Bette YoSweetass!

I have really conflicted feelings about this because, on the one hand, fuck Nate Parker but on the other Nat Turner’s story is so important. There is obviously a part of me that wants this movie to fail because we shouldn’t support rapists but there’s also a part of me that wants this movie to succeed because maybe if

Not even getting a girl to say yes! He’s basically saying as long as she wasn’t actively resisting he’d go for it. Which, it turns out, IS STILL RAPE.

Yes, he is so awful. He has been making random comments about the health of various people for years without any evidence. And he had the nerve to criticize celebrities who want fame, yet Dr. Drew has always been desperate to be as famous as the people he would attack.

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Why are we still pretending to listen to this man? Isn’t he essentially what Dr. Phil is to psychology and Dr. Oz is to GP? Like, sure, at one point they were real people who did real things to help people, but now they’re just cheap hacks desperate to turn as many tricks as possible to make that sweet, sweet

Seasonal allergies were created by the government in the 60s to attack hippies, the so-called ‘flower children’

listen, let’s not let the wacko conspiracy theories overshadow Hillary’s actual health problems. i have extensive experience in this area and there is literally no issue more debilitating than seasonal allergies. what if her hands are covered in mucus and she hits the “bomb the earth” button by accident? what if she’s

I guess the bigger question is why CNN thought that the guy who exploited addicts for ratings would be a good addition to their network? Of course he was going to say and suggest stupid things, while using his title to legitimize said stupid things.

“Crevices fresh” has made me smile, and I thank you for that. +1

They can both be awful for equally good reasons.

She’s obviously awful, but those kids are also old enough to make up their own minds about what he is like and they have no desire to see him. Again, they said maybe he should stop talking to the tv people and he went right to the tv people. Also, he hasn’t seen one of his kids in years. Years.

OMG seriously. It’s so rich that a man would have “hygienic” concerns about a woman’s attire. Like, first of all, you know nothing about female anatomy and what does/doesn’t create hygiene issues; second of all, 90% of men are 100% gross.

It’s disgusting he got away with grooming her and made Mia look like the jealous scorned wife and not a horrified mother that found naked photos of her teen taken by her father.

it’s pathetic, it really is. just cuz she’s bangin hot and has a killer vegas show and his new song is so saccharine my teeth hurt, that doesn’t mean he’s gotta keep talking about her. if i was jessica biel i’d be PISSED.

I know, I hate how he’s still capitalizing on their relationship. We get it! It was the teen dream relationship and she broke your heart... 14 years ago! Cry ME a RIVER!

Eh, boring is one of the best ways for a child star to end up.

Coming from Louisiana I sometimes wonder how much happier Britney might be if she had never become famous, but had those five kids, no conservatorship, and was still living in Louisiana, going to crawfish boils and tailgating Tigers’ games.

I have no interest in that whole situation. I get harassed all the time on it. But it doesn’t affect me and I just have no interest in it.

That’s probably on purpose, tbh. She’s never been a great vocalist live.