Bette YoSweetass!

Dr. Octopus always said he was a changed man, but he never was.

Hot damn that was awkward to watch! Plus the little mental breakdown Tyrese had at the end was insane.

Now playing

It’s Tyrese. It’s always Tyrese. He feuds with everyone, including his own “super” group.

First of all: Every one of those guys - except Eastwood - has a pretty good reputation for being okay, and many have worked on other long-ish franchises - leading me to think they aren’t pains to work with because otherwise who would hire them again.

Beat Shazam

This type of compassion and decency doesn’t even come at the expense of the letter of the law; it elevates the law.

When you sit in a court of law day in and day out, it’s easy to forget that your litigants are human beings with lives outside of the justice system. Good on Judge Wolf for not forgetting and for not being afraid to sometimes let common sense prevail over the black letter law. She is a credit to the bar.

He’s heading towards the full Rourke.

She’s the one with the Skinnygirl brand of shitty tasting wines/mixers

Rita Ora’s new tattoo is......a lot like Rihanna’s.

Ungraying the poor people stuck in the grays who are not meany-pants, and occasionally post a silly comment.....asking for a friend....

You are speaking the truth and the way people are attacking your comments on this article reflects their complete cluelessness about the dynamics of addiction and recovery. Just wanted to say that.

my favorite is asking for someone’s ID because their card isn’t signed. They are aghast that you just don’t take them at their word that it’s their card. I’ve gotten “do I look like a credit card thief?” so many times.

fraud protection knew she didn’t belong at h&m

But she is brave & beautiful! BRAVE & BEAUTIFUL!!!! Does that mean nothing anymore? And a terrible driver, so you’d think most Americans could at least relate to that.

You forgot rich. With lots of rich and famous friends.

Right? It’s like he was forcefully correcting someone who misunderstood him AGAIN. Quite a trick.

I watched the first episode but it just wasn’t interesting enough to continue watching it. We have been catching up this week on Transparent. I think my husband puts it on because he thinks its funny when I yell at Maura’s kids. Seriously- those kids are fucking terrible. They are the worst.

A staunchly Republican Transgender Olympic Athlete is not relateable?

That exclamation point, though.