BOAT - Break Out Another Thousand. I dont need another thing to break on my boat. How much is that damn thing gonna list with one side broken.
I assume during the “.....” you turned your hat backwards.
The split from 91 to 84 (where this happens) is the worst. Routinely there are 1 mile backups.... on Sundays. The back up in the video was the shortest i have ever seen it.
Why is Joey Kramer’s budget only $30k?
So you are saying the during the process of creating this article a McLaren broke down?
Umm, I believe it was onto “three” wheels
Pirrelli tires with a giant Nitto sticker?
Brookline? I thought you were in Philly area.
You better take them back.... back to the pants store
Do you know what athletes owe us? To play the sport that we love to watch as hard as they can.
Obviously it is a Falcon.
Whoa, whoa, wait. There are enough Browns fans to necessitate an entire blog? Is it really a support group and not a fanblog?
Haha haha. Muckenfuss. Sounds like my mom yelling at me for making a F**king Mess. I am now going to yell at my son for making a Muckenfuss!
Does it have a massive penis like its aquatic brethren? That is the question that needs to be answered. That would be the best deterrent to tampering... get hit with a massive dong.
Who on the staff has the most punchable face?
Pitted, so pitted.
Lenny V - “Nothing goes over my head. My reflexes are too fast, I would catch it”
Jeep Hand Job. What was described above is about as useful as one, so I approve this name.