
That is sad. I’m almost 36 and have been bulimic since I was 13. It always feels weird that concerned comments only come when I’m a size 0-2, and not a 4-6, even though my behaviors with food are the same as they have been for over 20 years. It’s problematic that so many only view it as an actual problem when one is un

Agree that this is unhealthy, but also, having a mentality in which a person can be “caught” eating cake is not really healthy either. Unless she stole that cake from a birthday party and ran away with it while the children cried, you didn’t catch her doing anything.

I’ve been doing Postmates/DoorDash during this whole thing as a side gig. So I’m considered “essential”. At times, I get a little bummed that the people I’m delivering food to probably won’t be put out if I died from Covid, just as long as it doesn’t interfere with them being able to get their food.

I’m a sometimes-wedding photographer and also work for some wineries that are popular venues.

When this all began, we had to cancel a wedding at one winery, and the couple asked if they could still come and say their vows in the vineyard that day. Just by themselves. My heart broke for them. I’m not a big wedding

It’s also indicative of what happens when public utilities are allowed to place profits in front of public safety in their corporate culture. Rather than sitting back and collecting a guaranteed 17% profit year in and year out, corporate leaders at PG&E (with the encouragement of those good Texans at Enron) pushed to

So tragic. I am sorry we are not getting thru on climate change. Sending 💗  to California and Californians.

It’s been like that in Washington the past few years, too. Except this summer, so far (knock on wood). Two years ago the smoke was so thick in the air that everyone was advised to stay inside. A friend of mine with a view of the space needle from her apartment posted a photo of the same view a few days apart, crystal

Climate change is certainly a part of it, but it’s also 100 years of fire suppression. Fuel load is super high.

Climate change? Nah, another Democratic hoax. You guys just need to get out and rake the forest floors more often.

Yeah we are not having fun, I work on shows and our union can’t go back to work anytime soon. The smoke by me is bad, fires in every direction really, do we have to go through this every year? Oh wait there is a pandemic going on, almost forgot about that little problem! And Drumpf is still president, not sure what is

I hope that bystander got themselves something wonderfully frivolous and massively on sale.  

Wow, what a shitty, insensitive and problematic statement. 

the tote looks super, super heavy. and yeah no to the giant logo.

While I appreciate the brand/positioning and the multitudinous size and color options, “nope” to a large highly-visible logo of any sort, and a big fat screamy reverberating “NOOO” to a two-hundred-and-fifty-dollar pleather tote. Also nope to flat straps and handles that inevitably stretch and pull and go all wonky.

but she didn’t turn into “just another skinny body.” She’s still Adele.  Maybe she (probably rightly) came to the conclusion that she would be healthier if she made healthier choices, and she proceeded to make them, armed with lots of money, professional guidance, and possibly being in a better mental space than she

Feminism, I believe, is shitting all over tons of women so that you can build up one specific woman.

Agreed. Totally bizarre comment to make. 

On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.”

You know you can say someone looked awesome in a dress without calling everyone else who wears it a Nazi, right?

Jesus Christ, that’s a bad take.

On thinner bodies, the dress skews a tiny bit fascist.