Was wondering that myself. Is that, like, his title? If so, why does everybody else get a lame, non-title occupational assignment, like "artist," or "fashion designer," or merely "rapper?"
Was wondering that myself. Is that, like, his title? If so, why does everybody else get a lame, non-title occupational assignment, like "artist," or "fashion designer," or merely "rapper?"
When did Marina Abramovic become a celebrity outside of the classrooms of hip young dance professors at liberal liberal-arts colleges?
Yes. It made me want to watch what will likely be a pice of shit movie.
"But do not read the comments under any circumstances."
Well, it's not really an article. It's a Snap Judgment. And I guess, in a way, it kinda is about DFW, because it references that essay he wrote about tennis as a religious experience.
This made my afternoon. Thanks!
Fucking Jezebel. Two years ago, they would have called another website out for this same thing. In fact, they have done that many times over the years.
Right. The breast. The FEMALE breast.
Me too!
Kappa Sigma HQ should revoke their charter.
Thank you!
That's kind of the way I feel, too. I mean, it's certainly more expensive for the college, but it's better for the students in the long run to at least have that presented as an option starting freshman year on.
This is great, and so well-written. Do you mind if I save a copy of your comment and use it in the future, if I'm ever having this conversation (online or in real-life) with someone and having a hard time explaining the issue? Of course, I'd cite you properly.
Alright. Fuck you too, Jezebel.
Yeah, I mean other than the ratio of men/women, none of these criteria are gender-specific, so...
Wow, that GMA clip you posted to is possibly the most alarmist, ridiculous thing I have ever seen. "...they call it the College Crack...they call it Addy."
Jesus. I hope he's not your direct supervisor. Working with him on a day-to-day basis would be hell.
I agree with all of this. My only qualm is that I don't think Ann Wintour's behavior would be considered acceptable if she were a guy either. Perhaps it would be considered more acceptable, but I doubt it. Her character was absolutely, completely ridiculous, demanding, and out of line, way more than any real boss…
I wouldn't interpret the question that way at first glance, to be honest. I get the potential sexist subtext behind the question now, but, for me, it seemed to be a reference to Streep's character's ridiculous demands and "cruel boss" persona which...no, would not go down well in political situations.