People don’t get “completely dismantled” in that weight class. Stop with the Tyson comparisons. The Heavyweight division is what has killed boxing. NOT Mayweather.
People don’t get “completely dismantled” in that weight class. Stop with the Tyson comparisons. The Heavyweight division is what has killed boxing. NOT Mayweather.
Congratulations on writing the most ignorant thing I have read on the internet all day.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Knockouts are EXTREMELY RARE in Floyd’s weight class. Knockouts are something that happens more frequently in the heavyweight division.
Floyd Mayweather fought the exact same fight he’s been fighting since the beginning of his career. He picks and chooses his punches carefully.
Only the 1,000th time someone has repeated that joke since last night.
I went through this thread just to see New Yorkers head explode over not being on the top of this list.
in that she's a black woman?
blew up in the states face? What? I'm guessing you just read the title and skimmed this article?
Or you can just download an emulator and play it on your laptop/desktop pc on any platform. which we've been able to do for the past 10 years or so...
So does it mean that this… is no longer kosher?
It's not about black people not wanting Iggy Azalea to win. It's more about Iggy failing to recognize those who paved the way for her. Iggy was sure that she'd be able to co-opt black culture without paying tribute. SURPRISE!
I posted what happened in a comment. But the post has yet to be approved. I bet if I made some off color one liner with the word testicles in it my comment wouldn't be grey anymore.
ESPN blew their original spin on this story. Which was the Patriots were involved. They even named a name and encircled him in a spotlight during reporting.
You guys are making me feel extremely shitty for temporarily downgrading to a very pedestrian 14' GS350 from a 09' CLS63.
I just dumped my CLS63 for a very pedestrian 14' GS350.
If Massasoit or Mass Bay had a football team I'd shit on your alma mater too
Anyone else notice the people in the SRX going for a test drive?
I love my F bomb as much as the next guy. But this person relies way too heavily on it. He's under the impression that dropping the F bomb over and over again is entertainment.
So singing, dancing, and basketball? Am I right?
Most of you seem to forget that licensing music costs $$$$$$$$. I'd be willing to bet that most of the songs you guys named in this very thread would have been too expensive.