There's reading between the lines and then there's making shit up and being a fucktard...The latter.
There's reading between the lines and then there's making shit up and being a fucktard...The latter.
Hearsay yes. But back to the snitching thing.
So are the Goth kids out sucking blood and shit? Don't be ridiculous.
Kotaku is like the JV of Gawker properties. From the articles down to the approved comments.
Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 3 ARE NOT EXCLUSIVES.
A multitude of publications have confirmed that it is not a timed exclusive.
Oh you mean like the MICROSOFT Windows platform?
The female Kotaku visitors are going to love the title of this post...
You're an idiot. That is all.
It's hard to ignore the context in which the little boy comments were made.
CLS550. Meh. They could have at least sprung for the 63.
TL;DR - You're at work and can't watch it.
I drive a $115,000 CLS63. I can easily afford it. Probably could have swung a CL65 at the time. Both cars are expensive as fuck.
Oblivion and After Earth is not a coincidence Neither was A Bug's Life and Ants. Or Volcano and Dante's Peak.
The problems at Foxconn aren't unique to Apple. Chances are every one of your favorite gadgets have parts manufactured there.
CTRL + F "Sex"
Yes, and about that dunk now?
Did you bother reading my post? I'm starting to think you didn't. Because pretty much EVERYTHING you typed is wrong.