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    It wasn't as cut and dry as you're insinuating with the "facts." To quote an EA developer at the time - "It scared the shit out of us."

    So we should some up your response as:

    I talked about this very exact thing in the Assassin's Creed article and was hammered by people. Telling me that diversity was already being served by slapping various European/Mideast backgrounds on fair skinned characters in video games.

    It's like when Hollywood gave Jake Gyllenhaal, who is clearly not from Iran, the lead in 'Prince of Persia'.

    In the context of this article. Diverse clearly means black. Did you bother reading the article? Your beef is with the author and the dev. Not with me. Run along and play now.

    When African Americans have to pick up a copy of NBA 2K13 in order to find a character that they can identify with...Houston we have a problem.

    You're just jumping at the chance for an argument.

    In the context of this article. YES.

    Diverse as in different shades of white? Then why yes, they all are.

    What did I just read? Brilliant satire or nonsensical hyperbole?

    You're dead wrong. Don't believe me? Take a look at Sony's own sales report.

    Absolutely no story whatsoever. No catch, no hook. Just a bunch of VFX tutorials strung together.

    I love it when a post like this ends up being shared across the Gawker network. Guys always stumble into here oblivious of what they are getting themselves into.

    Look! A bunch of nerds are upset because you're encroaching on their forced meme. 5 yard penalty, repeat first down.

    | who cares

    What? Huh? Oh that's right. You didn't make any sense.

    Uhm, you do realize that you're attempting to diminish the importance of the lovechild story, in the commenting section of a story about a kind-of-looks-like-Hitler-sweater?

    Off topic (fucking soccer, am I right?): Where's Deadspin's take on the Marino story?

    *tape and thank you, that was hilarious. +1

    I love how Aaron Brooks just bides his time and then nonchalantly sends 4th row guy over the wall at 0:33.