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    Tax the shit out of the boatloads of Bolivian Marching Powder floating into the Port of Miami on a daily basis and they'll have that shit paid off in 4 or 5 days.

    Getting randomly shot by some random shithead with a gun, with your entire life ahead of you, is most certainly NOT "part of life."

    | "Their wording might be different but until they actually sell your image to advertisers you shouldn't assume they are going to."

    You're being extremely naive. Sure, not everything carries a conspiracy theory with it, but Instagram's one goal is to make money. So being weary about their TOS is not out of the question.

    It says it on the box that there is no off switch. If anyone could manage to round up enough A-holes for a class action lawsuit then seriously, fuck the judicial system.

    He clearly stated that it would go way beyond just assembly. Maybe you should read it again?

    Glad I could be of assistance!

    Want your penis to get bigger? Lose weight. It will at least appear bigger. Losing weight will uncover anywhere from 1/2 to 1 inch of previously covered penis.

    I did too. For the first week. Then I ran out of my first 24 pack of batteries.

    THIS and the Sega CD. 2 things I wish my parents could get their money back for buying.

    When I heard that they were coming out with a Facebook movie I balked at the idea. Even after I discovered that Sorkin was writing it.

    Have you ever sat through a Quentin Tarantino movie without your head exploding? Contemporary music during World War II. Seemingly out of place soul and blues tracks in violent revenge flicks. Yet it works.

    I'm guessing that he posted this on BL?

    Someone didn't read the article.

    I think you're confusing relinquishment of command and retirement with resigning.

    Hey look everybody, this guy wears rose colored glasses to look at the world.

    Ya, they cracked the windows by shoving the hose through it.

    She's not a he.

    I <3 my Sigma 30mm 1.4. Not too expensive, but an awesome little lens.