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    Wrong article dude. The Apple sucks articles are over at applesucks.com. You really need to find better shit to do in your life. Harping on the whole "Apple sucks" thing and coming off as genuinely angry about it says a lot about your character.

    I said that he's giving his well informed tech opinion. I didn't say anything about him supplying me with any. I learn nothing new from the majority of his posts.

    Your anecdotal (aka it is because i know it is) evidence is not going to fly here. Let's follow the money and some cold hard facts. Numbers don't lie. If you have any that contradict mine (your friends using Android, a guy you know being a dev, or that girl on the train don't' count) feel free to respond.

    The last time I checked (about 45 minutes ago on my Asus transformer) the Android Marketplace(s') choices are still shit.

    | there will still be plenty of drones buying it

    Can't remember the last time I used an optical drive. Would you like the floppy disk drive to make a come back too?

    Are you really that hurt about this? You sound like you are.

    You're right. Connections will get you a great job. But without connections it essentially comes down to what's on that piece of paper. Unless you want to start from the bottom of course - and if that's the case you don't need an MBA.

    PCs/Competitors making "equally good or even better experiences" is a subjective statement.

    Graduating from an Ivy League school is probably the only way you're guaranteed a job after grad school...unless you have a Masters in Journalism of course. Not even an Ivy League Masters in Journalism is going to get you a job in journalism.

    Price goes down? I just bought a rMBP with the 2.6 i7, 16gb of RAM, and 256MB SSD.

    Does your MBA now tell you that getting an MBA was a ginormous waste of money?

    Your MBA is exactly what is wrong with corporate America. So while that "my MBA" line might impress some chic down at the local douche watering hole...it pretty much does nothing anywhere else, especially if it's not Ivy League.

    Take the population of the planet Earth. 7 Billion. Now take the number of people on dating sites.

    "Reader John" is full of shit.

    I think it's hilarious how all of these online daters are up in arms because you didn't enjoy your one date off of OKCupid.

    taking credit for shit you find on Reddit?

    This was on Reddit a week ago. So not sure why OP is accepting thanks for merely reposting something.

    Is this how you get your kicks? Making up outlandish scenerios in your head about what a multi-national multi-billion dollar company is going to do next? From your keyboard at your 9-5?

    The reality of the situation is in that first sentence that Gabrielle wrote. Responsibility has absolutely nothing to do it with it.