West Roxbury is one of the most affluent parts of Boston. You are 100% confusing West Roxbury and Roxbury.
West Roxbury is one of the most affluent parts of Boston. You are 100% confusing West Roxbury and Roxbury.
it doesn't have to be identical in every way to look like a cheap knock-off. i'd be embarrassed to have this thing in my house - much in the same way that i'd never wear knock-off Air Jordans.
The stand is cool...but I still prefer the Sled leather backs. They are pricey though.
So did Adrian put on the tutu for nothing?
Who do you think Vizio ripped off?
Ya that looks nothing like the iMac, iMac keyboard, or the Magic Trackpad.
I love how the new argument is "we are talking about trade dress! not utility!." So what you're basically saying is "ya, Samsung copied Apple a bunch with everything else but let's completely ignore that when considering trade dress"
I've never seen someone have to back track as much as you have in the last few posts. Sheesh.
It's not just about the development of full screen devices. PLENTY of manufacturers have developed full screen devices that don't look, feel, and act like an iPhone. HTC being the first one that pops to mind.
Look up "imminent threat" and "imminent danger."
10% of all proceeds will be donated to the Joe Pa Scared Straight youth program. That's the one where the kids go to prison and Uncle Jerry touches them in the shower.
I don't understand how copying and pasting the 4th amendment into your post proves anything?
They were not circumventing any laws. If Twitter found that the threats met their set standards of what is to be considered serious - they would have disseminated the requested information to law enforcement. So of course the police had to take a shot. And when they were denied they immediately went for the…
You were asking a dumb question. Yes, those do exist. A loaded one at that. Disguised as an insult. Based on some assumption you made by reading my comments. Something akin to "Do you still beat up your wife?"
It takes time to get in front of a judge and for them to consider the evidence. There aren't judges just "dicking around" in the police station waiting of this sort of stuff.
It takes time to get in front of a judge. So of course the immediate reaction is to go directly to Twitter with the hopes that they give in to the request. But Twitter doesn't, because they respect your 4th amendment rights.
A random insult from some anonymous person online named -daddy-? Oh man, my day is ruined!
It's funny because it's true.