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    The Supreme Court decided that "true threats" are not protected by the first amendment for 3 reasons. 1) protecting individuals from the fear of violence 2) to protect individuals from the fear that the threat causes and 3) to protect individuals from the possibility that the threat of violence may occur.

    You're kidding right?

    If the threat was against the Twitter building itself, how quickly do you think Twitter would have complied with the police?

    More and more sites are moving towards real names because of trolls...and you're right it won't stop them.

    Twitter made the initial judgement call that the threat was not specific enough to warrant dissemination of any information without a subpoena/warrant. Which is bullshit. When threats (of the bodily harm kind) are made your 4th amendment rights are thrown out of the window.

    Once you threaten violence against another human being - you have NO PRIVACY RIGHTS as far as I'm concerned.

    If a complete stranger "joked" about shooting up your house I bet you'd change your tune.

    | "How do we know if he's serious"

    He was clearly referring to the Android touch based interface. Not the Prada's (a touchscreen only capable of detecting one finger at that).

    This is just a few pieces of evidence tossed on to the massive heap of evidence. Accessories, packaging, form factor, design cues.

    What about the flower? You conveniently avoided the flower.

    Android was Blackberry OS before it was what it is today (an iOS clone). Let's not kid ourselves.

    Thank you for the history lesson (which I'm sure 99% of Gizmodo readers are familiar with) but now back to the icons.

    When you add the icons to the form factors, trademark dress, accessories, packaging, advertising, typography...the case's being made.

    The NHS segment was shown in full here.

    Why are you so butt hurt?

    Because Dick or Tim wouldn't have gotten the audience reaction that "Robin" received. Sorry.

    I'm guessing you had a private conversation with Jackson too? Or have you given up insisting that he said there will be no third movie?

    You have entirely too much time on your hands. No one cares...but you.

    That's because you actually enjoyed the camp from the 1960's series. Not all of us do.