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    I own 5 YSL shirts. 3 passed down to me from my father. Quality shit. I'm going to burn them all.

    The 458 is out. What a clown....

    Reporting in from Boston here. It's everywhere.

    That would violate FTC regulations. So highly doubtful. Stop with the conspiracy theories and stop your crying.

    My parents own a house valued at more than $35 million in a developing country. They have a wonderful relationship with the locals. It might have something to do with the fact that they both grew up in said country - but still.

    Weren't you reading the article? Either article? These are USER RENDERS. Not images of actual next generation iPhones. Not released by Apple. So yes...they are "fake" as in they are speculative renders based on supposed leaked parts.

    This place was almost unanimously considered one of (if not) the greatest restaurant in the world.


    A lot of the names above did this FAR before anyone knew anything about Skrillex.

    It's WWDC. If you combine all of the different Android phones, OS updates, Apps etc. Android updates dwarf that of OS X and Windows Phone.

    How does that comment show that? Maybe it's just personal experience that led him to that belief? Or is that an impossibility?

    Pretty sure the iPhone uses Gorilla Glass already.

    Huge difference between a part leaking (presumably) from a supplier and some guy leaving his phone in a bar.

    Ah the good ol 57 states defense tacked on to the end. I can now discredit your entire well reasoned and thought out response as "butthurt Republican" talk.

    It's funny because most people picture the U.S. government as inept idiots when it comes to this sort of stuff.

    Those are boards. Not computers.

    You're misunderstanding Sorkin. Just like pretty much everyone else.

    People are completely misunderstanding what Sorkin is trying to say here.

    Hey why don't you do your day job for free? Better yet...quit your day job and go work at a homeless shelter for nothing.

    You throwing down your chips against Apple? Wow what a surprise. I don't visit Gizmodo much but I do recognize your name/handle as part of the anti-Apple brigade on here. Sure - you do present your arguments eloquently. But it's usually the same ol tired "Apple can't keep it going!". It's the argument we've heard at