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    There are 150 million iOS devices out there. A good chunk of them capable of AirPlay. Marketing and in store demos alone will sell these things.

    Figuring that the patents were filed in 2010. Considering that research into the two patents and the filing happened much much earlier than that. Zero.

    He may not be solely responsible but Apple is the company it is today because of him.

    "With set top boxes like the Roku, Boxee box, XBox with access to various services, Tivo, PS3, Wii, et al running things, why should anyone care?"

    This one has to be my fave by far

    Why do they teach you how to properly manage campaigns there?

    Wasn't an iPhone app. So I'm not sure how this is relevant. Let's keep the politics off of Gizmodo.

    *sigh* Only read the first sentence and a few words into the second of what you wrote. My point still stands. Gizmodo covers apps and such. Obama misstating the amount of states isn't an iPhone app last time I checked.

    If the guy can't properly run a Presidential campaign how is he going to run a country?

    Wait...I thought this article was about Mitt Romney misspelling America?

    When you're campaigning for President of the United States your every move is scrutinized. Furthermore you are responsible for everything your campaign releases, says, or does.

    Everyone uses a teleprompter.

    to be fair, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Especially when you consider Palm basically ripped off the Newton.

    Your statement is assanine. If you actually believe that Steve Jobs is not responsible for the success that Apple has enjoyed you are an absolute idiot.

    Maybe it's time to just get a new girlfriend?

    Who here remembers how McAfee used to leave their corporate FTP site WIDE OPEN? Well not open...but the username and password were widely distributed but never changed.

    Who here remembers how McAfee used to leave their corporate FTP site WIDE OPEN? Well not open...but the username and password were widely distributed but never changed.

    If Apple is planning on getting into the TV business this makes PERFECT sense. It's an obvious move. Especially if the TV is going to properly support Airplay and Apps.

    So why cry about it here? Don't read the article!

    If you think $17,000 is too much for a watch then this watch is definitely not for you.