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    Took you 4 minutes to read it?

    I'm on my 2nd Macbook Pro in 7 years. My 1st is currently owned by my sister - it is 7 years old and still runs pretty close to new.

    Active Directory/Exchange/Network Admin here. I'm in a 800 computer Windows environment. Won't bore you with specs...just know that I'm a Windows guy.

    That would be too much work! And I mean I just spent $2,500! And you want me to spend an extra what!!!???? On ethernet?!??!?!?

    Well the movie's extremely overrated so who cares anyway, right?

    Who was hyped for the Green Lantern? I'm assuming you're drawing upon anecdotal evidence from your circle of like minded friends?

    Ya I noticed that too. She looks a lot better as a brunette too.

    I think the new article pretty much confirms my theory.

    My theory was confirmed. He used her name and image to better scam chumps on Covers. Once things started escalating he required her to step in. The marked change in her ESPN columns (from stats to cutesy) was a result of him actually handing the reigns over to her - probably when they realized that she might be

    No one is pointing to outright innocence. People are just pointing out that there has to be more to the story. The fact that money was going to Prasad when it could have just as easily been sent to Sarah Phillips herself is troubling. It screams that she may not have been fully aware of all the scammy shit going on

    He was depressed.

    1. Anti-competitive mythos dished out from a guy with "Myth" in his name. How satisfying.

    But then you're right back to being bound by the SDK.

    You're ignoring the fact that Microsoft Windows had MASSIVE market share and Internet Explorer was the lone web browser packaged with all of the installs. Internet Explorer owned 95% of the WORLD browser marketshare at one point. iOS sits somewhere around 5%.

    So let me sum it up for the people who are quick to point out that iCloud is competition for DropBox.

    Yes. A disagreement with DropBox will be the start of the downfall of Apple.

    I stated this theory yesterday. So here it goes again.

    I stated this theory yesterday. So here it goes again.

    I'm going to stand behind this theory:

    It's a lot easier to get recognition when you're a cute girl. Not to mention easier to ask people for money, and challenge them to bets.