In Belfast

I loved that nonsense, but it took much talking around of other people to arrange such a game, they just preferred shooting someone in the face.

Anyone with a PC in the 90s (sitting alone in their bedroom or basement) wondered why other kids (with friends) were losing their shit.

We had our own brief but specific rules for multiplayer Goldeneye (everyone probably did). Minus 10 health, so that one hit might be a kill, but could sometimes be a brush with death. And the bulletproof vest was useful in the circumstance. It was fun to get one, find the other and shoot it to bits on the floor while

If streaming online now means subscribing to as many different services at the same cost as cable or satellite packages, then they might.

Meh, Rogue One had some nice looking scenes in outer space, but you could tell they'd still have wonderful heroic deaths all around to make up for the fact that you know the Empire "wins" this round.

I can't remember what brought Star Wars back for me, X-Wing and TIE Fighter, the VHS copies that promised to be our last chance to catch Star Wars before it went away *forever* or catching the enhanced editions in the cinema.

Contrast and compare with their glowing Phantom Menace review.

A musician friend mentioned something about the soundtrack, that they couldn't just use the OST as was, that someone had to rewrite it from scratch and come up with something that sounded the same because of some rights issue.

I picked up a French copy on Ebay, way cheaper than the UK release, Space Mil Neuf Cent… et Cent Moins Un?

The commissioner, IIRC the actor went on and played another interfering official from Earth on B5.

I seem to recall a bit of snobbery from the AV Club reviewers for the bluray release of S1999.

It required the twin evils of the late 1970s and the BBC's science fiction budget to bring the series to that level of wobbly beige horror.

"dirty, messy, creepy, and overpopulated"
Yeah, Farscape more so perhaps than the other two. Watching it is like going for a walk straight through a wood rather than along a path, you end up coming out with insect bites, sap and mud all over your clothes and bits of twigs and leaves stuck in your shoes, but it's a good

Ah, *now* I find out that the AV Club is doing a Farscape rewatch, with someone who almost shares my name to boot.

He saw the cop eating a burger?

He's the only reason I watch any Kung Fu Panda movies.The worried adoptive father was a nice bit of grounding opposite all the other outrageous characters that Po meets.

AV Club is switching to that crappy comments software that Jalopnik and their sister sites use?

Is 80 odd dollars (which will be 80 quid or possibly more in the UK, thanks Brexit!) above the point where scalpers will move in and start making them impossible to obtain like the NES Classic?