In a world...

I think this is a pretty classy move that doesn’t deserve snark.

I recall reading years ago when I was in Junior High and watched ALL the ABC Soaps (#UncleTrevor) that Kelly is self-conscious about not having the level of education of other people in her circle. I think she wants the Hampton’s patina (the WASP trappings, etc.) but she still feels like someone “from South Jersey”

There was a little feud between her and Clay Aiken. I think he talked about it on Howard Stern.

So vegans find it ok to judge other people for how they live their lives?

Then the solution is to not support their business. I don’t feel bad at all for vegans (or anyone) who are so militant they can’t make room in their world view for an opposing thought without being a god damn asshole.

So naturally death threats ensue...because ethical.

100,000 bacon based stars for that!

How do you know when someone is a vegan?

As a Sanders supporter, I think the tone of his campaign lately has gone a little far past “keeping her honest,” especially some of his surrogates. That being said, he needs to stay in the race to keep her from tilting back towards the center too soon.

Around here it’s less and election and more a coronation for Queen Pantsuit.

This is a good news BECAUSE she has brown skin and a vagina.

I found this entire Beyovie to be incredibly self-indulgent with weak music and even weaker themes. If her goal was to make me loathe Jay-Z, she succeeded and should just divorce him already without pulling another Kanye art dump.

Well, Jezebel is totally okay about their members being trolled and having some of their best commenters leave in droves, so is this so surprising?

And ignoring the fact that even if it was true, maybe you should blame Jay-Z for being a whore and a cheater?

Why does anyone care about Jay Z and Beyonce’s marriage? They’re narcissistic celebrity trash. I don’t understand why anyone should care whether they’re cheating on each other or what.

“I ain’t got no bunny”

“You’re no bunny till some bunny loves you...”