What the hell is wrong with what Andertti said? I know actually having to prove yourself is a crazy idea to the liberal lunatics that run this website but he's not wrong no woman has stepped up.
What the hell is wrong with what Andertti said? I know actually having to prove yourself is a crazy idea to the liberal lunatics that run this website but he's not wrong no woman has stepped up.
I think its so self centered to put shit like this on Twitter. If you know him just give him a call or something, don't post your self serving bullshit for everyone to see.
No they arent at all. Conor is blowing it for Conor. You can’t sign a contract agreeing to specific mandatory press events and then say no. If he did all of this shit a month ago, and had his facebook post, and tweet and all that nonsense there would be no issue.
6 girls planned to beat the shit out of their classmate. This wasn’t a sad accident. This was murder.
I’m a woman. I just know that mediocre actors are a dime a dozen. You have to make yourself irreplaceable in the entertainment business or else you will never have a career. How many “it” girls and guys have we seen blow up for a year or two only to seemingly fall off the face of the planet next? Way too many.
Girls being actresses. He’s a producer. And I am willing to bet he thinks the same thing about actors. You read enough horror stories from actors about their interactions with producers, there is no doubt about that.
But isn’t what every producer has told every actress AND actor at some point no matter if it was Bollywood or Hollywood?
Okay, time to step off my troll platform and actually educate. For once, my username will be a misnomer.
It should have been obvious to anybody with an intellect greater than a flea’s, but yes:
I applaud Amilia for finding her own voice and trying to differentiate her self from her father.
Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.
How about you just accept that having an ethical president with good judgment is more important than having a female president? If there are no candidates in the pipeline (which I don’t accept) lets address that. But don’t use “Hillary is our only shot” as a step up to the bully pulpit.
Alternate Headline: Flirty Reporter tries to get exclusive access by being flirty.
J’accuse Jacuzzi.
I’m no fan of Howard but this seems a lil petty to be bitching about it... He did talk to the stupid fucking media and told them how he got his ass beat didn’t he? so wtf else do you want? Not everyone is CAM!
That’s completely fair. FTR, I don’t find anything funny about “ironic” sexism towards any gender, and I should have addressed that in my original post.
Marina Abramovič
Laurie Anderson
Hito Steyerl
Annie Leibovitz
Vivienne Westwood
Tracey Emin
Sally Mann
Vija Celmins
Rachel Whiteread
Lmao you’re so pathetic. Despite all your asslicking, these people still don’t like you.
Maybe humor is not for you.
Ok. Are you willing to pay teachers 30k extra per year then? Remove tenure as one of the attractive features of this profession, and you make it even more precarious and low-rent than it already is.