In a world...

Eh, I don’t know. I would hope most people understand that, as a matter of principle, supporting states prosecuting citizens for crimes because you don’t “like” that person or what they believe, as opposed to because you think that it is an appropriate use of state power is a super fucked up view to hold. So, if you

Good. This is a very reasonable decision. According to this memo, based on video evidence:

She’s cried wolf on a number of occasions. Glad to see that the police aren’t falling for it.

anyone else just...really tired,

I know yesterday I said I wanted more long prose articles but maybe I misspoke...

I know these letters and most of the words, but I can’t tell what they are trying to say.

I managed to go a school that had scandals with both while I was there! Both are disgusting.

Good examples.

I don’t believe that if you love someone, you have to love them forever, but I do believe it is possible to love someone and have that love last the rest of your lives (even if you live a long time!). I wouldn’t say it’s frequent or expected, but possible.

I love that we’re forcing a narrative about a movie that will gross $900 million globally is deemed a failure. I realize that it’s not doing the numbers they hoped for , but between theatrical revenue, home sales, merchandise, etc it’ll be fine.

Are you saying, that male teachers having sex with minors is more likely seen as ‘having sex’ as opposed to female teachers ‘raping’ male minors?

Pony Express. Because of the rider. (For a fair price they’ll reenact the message)

The first element you have to prove to win a defamation case is that the statement was false. I’m pretty sure she just lost her own case with this.

Yeah, I thought the same thing. But she started reading it, so she should’ve kept going.

That is petty and unprofessional.

I think only if you’re a parent chaperoning your daughter(s). Well, even then it might be tough, but it’s kind of a dad’s job requirement.

Enough of your misogyny appropriation!!

Completely van-de-Veldean.

Her hair looks beautiful, and I can’t imagine what actual problem there could be with it. Zara have opened themselves up to some serious problems here I think. Unless they have an actual “no braids” policy, which I highly doubt they do.