
Only sheep praise this game as some sort of groundbreaking piece of entertainment.  Did you ever stop and think that maybe, just maybe The AV Club has a word limit on their reviews?  Longer doesn't instantly mean it's better and you definitely don't need more than a few paragraphs to discuss what really amounts to

Hahaha, all countries are corrupt in some way you fool.  Guess what?  The EA branch that sent out questionnaires asking journalists if they "like Call of Duty" was the Norwegian one.  Nigga please…

Ah, a review that wasn't a paid pr piece, how refreshing!

Ha, you use IGN as a beacon of rational, critical thought?  They just got called out by a studio for printing statements as fact that are really 100% false and wrong.  That's great you like the game and enjoy it but you are a reeking, stinking deluded fanboy.

Oh, you can taste the butthurt is so strong in here.  Uncharted games are overrated like no other.  They're shallow, linear experiences that get a pass because they're purty.  Other, lesser known and non-exclusive games get judged much harsher yet Uncharted gets a pass.

I believe the proper, succint reply is "u mad."  The Uncharted games have always, always been completely hollow, linear, shallow and filled to the brim with hand holding yet get praised for being "cinematic" and having "realistic dialogue and animations."  If anyone tries to say otherwise, they're lying through their