Inara Serra

After facing my own abuse (near daily for the first four years of my life, which I promptly repressed and relived as a teenager), I remember my mom giving me what is still the very best piece of advice centered around the whole ordeal:

I especially dislike that this forgiveness is expected to be given even if the attacker hasn’t apologized and hasn’t faced actual justice.

White bread, obvs. This is Exeter, after all.

I think the criticism of tone is fair. But I also think that the idea that this is somehow calling the court’s fairness into question is ridiculous in the extreme in light of Scalia and Thomas’s history.

He can’t handle the Ruth.

I honestly don’t know how he would have survived if had to go through all the criticism/attacks that Hillary went through these past 20+ years.

Yes Natalie because when I hear the terms “news professional” and “journalist”, the first thing I think of is Access Hollywood.

I’ve never seen it. I’ve never witnessed it.

When news of this was initially posted on Gawker I was APPALLED (though not surprised, really) to see how many people were almost giddy about Manning attempting suicide, as though being pushed to experience severe depression and suicidal thoughts is part of the punishment process and not textbook “cruel and unusual

Write Chelsea Manning: I saw this link first on Jezebel and I’m posting it here again because I’m sure Chelsea could use as many words of encouragement as possible:

and followed what many of us recognize as unofficial protocol

Those officers in Dallas wouldn’t be dead if it weren’t for officers Yanez and Kauser. Try to think about it that way.

When you’re a black person, you risk your life just by going outside. Sit down.

She has to endure that because other networks may ask her to not say racist things on TV and THAT would be too much.

I thought the same thing! At that price point I would expect to be able to sleep in a different room every hour during the night and still have one for ~other activities~

yes, I also think this is sad, but it makes sense geographically, as the Malibu shore is narrow and crammed with houses. They’re also literally right on a highway (the PCH). I bet this 30$ mill one was smushed in between two other 30$ mill ones. weird to have so much money that you’d spend it on property like that (I

except you can’t transfer the word without some of the intent coming along. For the n-word, just try and say it and follow up with “but it wasn’t my intent”. intent may be known by the speaker, but the listener has to interpret intent and if you lead with any taboo words, be prepared for the side-eye.

There was a great Penn Jillette rant a few months back about the words we use, basically centering around the use of the word “bitch” to describer Hillary Clinton and that it’s unfair to women. He admitted that “bitch” is wrong then talked about how good it is to just say “Hillary is an asshole.” Politics aside (feel

Yet another abusive man murders his wife and children because she tried to leave and/or have custody over his kids. Yet another man thinks it is preferable that his family DIE by his hands than escape his control. Yet another man uses a gun to annihilate his family.

Because it isn’t HR tenting their fingers and cackling maniacally about how delicious it is to hire women for less pay than men. It’s because sexism causes women to be underestimated and even when they have equivalent skills, to be seen as “inferior” to male peers. Because they’ll probably call out due to their