Inara Serra

Right on siesta! You didn’t need to be white to feel that power. Shoot I was adopted by a middle age white woman who insisted I read Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker. I am truly proud that you appreciated it! Plus, that love song encompassed all types of couples. I cried from start to finish. It brought my soul to

Hey steelmagnolia — actually the appropriate thing for white women to do right now is to not say anything about Lemonade. To just sit down and shut up and be grateful we get to listen. I know that’s hard to hear but it’s what we have to do if we don’t want to continue contributing to the subjugation of Black women, as

That guy is hot. I totally want him to use the same bathroom as me.

The fascinating thing is that the same people claiming that are admant that “no guns” signs won’t get out a bad guy with a gun, but are convinced “only if you were born with a vagina” signs will keep out cis-men with ill-intent.

Transwomen are NOT “men who claim to be women.” It’s interesting how your comment history reveals you to be incredibly anti-Transperson. You use the phrase “real women” over and over and over, and I’m embarrassed for you for being so openly bigoted.

Actually, the number one thing that changes people’s minds about a group of people that they hate is actually meeting someone from that group. And realizing that they are a decent human being.

If a presidential candidate is so terrified of a kid who is ‘different’ from him, it doesn’t bode particularly well for his ability to deal with the whole wide world as president.

I’ll say it again, going after her children is vile. Full stop.

Yeah, so I think the BeyHive is made up of a bunch of deranged, obsessive stans with too much time on their hands but Rachel had to know what she was doing. She wanted the attention and for everyone to know she’s the one driving Beyonce to go all Angela Basset in Waiting to Exhale. She’s been subversive and passive

Maybe because he didn’t make smug little “subtle” references to it on social media? Not saying he should get off unscathed, but I get a feeling (if she really is ms. goodhair) she thinks she’s slick and/or cute.

She absolutely thought this through. This is so thoroughly Rachel Roy, it’s embarrassing. She’s been doing this petty shit towards Beyonce since forever.

I agree with you. I send condolence texts, and really appreciate it when people do the same. I don't want to spend the entire day on the phone making small talk when I'm grieving.

It’s really hard to deal with a barrage of calls when you’re meeting with the funeral director and mourning your loved one. He’s a famous guy who has a ton of friends, so it would be even harder for him. I actually think Twitter is okay in this case (although I think it’s super tacky when people post condolences on FB

I think it’s not so much that Doug is old but rather that he’s a fully fedora-tippin’ miladyer.

That is not the face of a happy dog. That is the face of a dog who has seen some shit. And why is it wearing pearls.

Did you first think Prince was gay?

Privacy when going about their lives, sure. Privacy when initiating a lawsuit, probably not. It is extremely important that trials are conducted in ways that allow maximum transparency for the plaintiff, the defendant, and the public. That is, and should be, a high standard and I can see how this wouldn’t meet that

Sorry, I’m a lawyer and tend to focus on silly things like laws.

I don’t think they deserve to have their privacy invaded. They should sue and they should win.

This whole thing is probably a blessing in disguise for some partners. Forget the cheating bit, who wants to be married to someone dumb enough to use their real credit card instead of one of those anonymous Visa gift cards?