Inara Serra

I’m 34 and was dumped by a 45 year old for a 21 year old last year. I’ve been on dates with six different dudes, ages 38-57, in the last seven months who told me either on the date or in a follow up that they just really need someone under 30. Against my better judgment, I saw a 48 year old a few time who told me

I think/hope moderate republicans would vote democrat if he gets the nomination. They are afraid he will run the economy into the ground, and the republican vets I know are supremely pissed about his John McCain comment and are also terrified at the thought of him being Commander in Chief.

Oh believe me, I’ve pitched them....I just never hear back!

I don’t think anyone inherently has the “real” power. Power, consent, safety, etc. rely on the two (or more) people in the exchange. It’s when we start talking about these roles as if they come with guaranteed personality traits or behavior expressions that victim blaming and storytelling occurs.

Yes! That stuff is so awkward. I am “naturally” a size 8-10. Naturally meaning if I’m working out 3-4 times a week and eating healthily but still having some dairy/sugar, etc. I went through a bad breakup and that combined with working in a looks based industry and trucking toward middle age kicked me into majorly

Julie Klausner is an A+ mean girl. Years ago I bought her book because it looked funny, and I didn’t get too far into it before she started railing on strippers and escorts and, as a sex worker and a human with a brain, I was so unamused. She’s part of the class of female comedians who target other women to make

Yes. Yes. Yes!!!!

Wait...what? By that logic anyone who works a paying job in any capacity isn’t making a choice, ergo anyone who has paid employment is somehow a disempowered slave?

Sex work does not equal trafficking. Saying that it does is equivalent to saying that consensual sex and rape are the same thing. Or that someone working for a house cleaning service is the same as domestic labor trafficking (which happens far more than sex trafficking) or that farm workers are the same as farm labor

I didn’t think that was strange at all. There is a long history of Black men being stereotyped as being hyper sexual; most lynchings were done using the excuse that the man had supposedly raped (or even just looked at) a white woman. There is a genocide happening right now with Black men being locked up at record

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it or, having worked with these men for 17 years, wish it was different. The trouble comes in when people assume that submitting to a woman who meets his physical and sexual preferences gives dude an erection = dude is going to be a respectful, kind, egalitarian person.

If this made her feel powerful and helped with her healing, then that’s awesome but I’m troubled by the idea that a dominatrix is inherently powerful (and that male submissives are inherently safe).

As a person who has been living with mental illness for pretty much forever, a lot of this sounded familiar. More often than not, I prefer to not have people around me and avoid social contacts when I can. Maybe his housekeeper is taking advantage of him or maybe he’s abdicated control of things to her because he just

I’m slowly clawing my way out of a very long depressive period, the kind where you look around and are like “Fuuuuck....where’d my life go?”. I feel exceptionally behind on getting my career started and it feels like now I’m just SOL and I’m way embarrassed by my lack of achievement. My 35th birthday is in a few

I love the idea of the list. That is such a rad idea!

I’m a sex worker and am also on a very traditional career path in a field that is very male, and I can tell you that women are seen as objects full stop in lots of fields because of historic patriarchal bullshit. I get heaping helpings of being seen as existing only to make men feel good about themselves in both my

I recently disabled my OKC profile because I got one too many negging/unsolicited “helpful” advice (aka be less ugly, here’s how) notes and I had a streak of dates with men ages 38-57 who felt the need to talk about how much they prefer women in their early 20s......and knew I’m 34. But when I was on there I send a

I keep waiting for a dislike of KK to kick in but it just.....doesn’t. Is she all knotted up in contradictory messages and consumerism and vapid shit? Sure. Is there a whole crop of men who are equally after amassing a bunch of money and vapid in that they only date 20 year old models?

But isn’t it just a grab for looking like a more “serious” artist and getting social justice cred if she does all of this without renouncing those men and addressing her relationship with them? Without doing those things she’s making it possible for those men to say “Lady Gaga supports us and she’s a face of that

Right? I was hoping that was going to be different. Ughhh.