You might be wrong.

Since 4:00AM this morning, there’s been three Overwatch stories. This website is obsessed with Overwatch. There are others on here that have pointed out the ridiculousness of the shipping and fan-fiction stuff, but at what point do we say that some people have serious mental illnesses. It’s one thing to have a

You people are all sick.

No artist is ever obligated to give any fans what they think they want, and no fans are ever entitled to dictate to artists what they have to do in their art. Fanfic, discussion, fan art, just fantasizing about what you want to happen - great. Insisting that you have the right to dictate what happens with characters

No, not at all. Usually when there are love triangles in movies, books or TV shows, I just wish that there wasn’t a love triangle because they’re invariably a very boring plot development.

I know being a fan is really exciting, but please, for the love of god, don’t use the words fandom and shipping like that. Belonging to a fandom sounds like being in a little club, and “shipping” just sounds idiotic. I guess I’ve never been the club/group type. Now get off my lawn.

Where would kotaku be without Overwatch? Does a day go by without multiple Overwatch posts? Seriously, this site has become unbearable since Overwatch was released. I just don’t get it. “OOOOOH, I’m shipping these imaginary video game characters!!!!” Do people really have that little going on in their lives?

Can we stop pushing this garbage forward?

This is a pretty wordy article considering the answer is “this is what the Internet does with everything because people are sad.”

The phrase “shipping” is as cringeworthy as the art.

Sex starved trolls obsess over fictional women, film at 11.

Because they wouldn’t want any nasty dicks tainting their waifu (except theirs).

Take a deep breath and go watch a Spike Lee movie on VHS tape. Drink a glass of warm milk and then take a nap. After the nap, your mom can take you to the mall so you can buy some Nike high tops and a big gold chain from the kiosk, then you can get back in her Oldsmobile, you can put on the new Game track and close

Hating or discriminating against someone of a different race because of their race is racism. Do that and you are a racist, regardless of your race. How is that not obvious?


Save it you racist sack of shit. You’re all talk. You’ll never do anything to create any kind of change.

Your hatred blinds you. Engaging with you is pointless.

WE need to pay for the Bear Patrol! Won’t somebody please think of the children?!!!

As a person of color, your racism disgusts me. You are part of the problem.

You are part of the problem. Thanks for not helping.

police also said that a mental health crisis team was not available