Hello! To clarify: I was not being snarky—quite the opposite.
Hello! To clarify: I was not being snarky—quite the opposite.
I believe it was sincere.
I honestly thought his greatest contribution was going to be the sleeveless hoodie.
Update: Frederik has now replaced Selena Gomez as the face of Pantene.
Is someone using a curling iron on Fredrick? Cause damn.
Some of them are Buffalo Bill-ing the hell of it too.
But, what about that guy in the middle with the upper body that looks as though it has been bbq’d? Shouldn’t he be seeking medical attention, not looking to roast his nuts and wiener, too?
God I loved his character. Casting Jenny as his sister was pretty brilliant. First onscreen siblings who I truly bought.
For some reason, I’m in the grays again, but I must post this. Perhaps it will get me un-grayed? OH DAYUMMMM.
ALSO, he has such floofy hair! Such floof!
I want him, BAD.
I am very happy for Jean Ralphios sister even if she is THE WORSSSSSST.
Jenny Slate dating Chris Evans makes me so happy for both of them. Like, get it girl.
i don’t have so much trouble with things eating my tomatoes (so far), but what i want to know is what protects BASIL? earwigs will eat it down to little stumps in one night, in past year’s experience.
Quit smoking ditch weed :)
i am happy to read this and rly glad that it’s legal for you too!
we SHOULD pay for overhead compartment space. It’s checked baggage we shouldn’t have to pay for. Carry-on bags make boarding and departing torturous. If one of these damn airlines would just do away with checked bag fees, and add carry-on bag fees, boarding would be infinitely more pleasant and faster.
Oh, you’re one of those people. I will, without fail, kick you out of my seat.