Wait, people pay for porn?
Wait, people pay for porn?
What kind of sicko pays for porn?
They should totally wear the 90210 dresses.
So what if Jeremy Lin lost a Sonic the Hedgehog related hairstyle bet to an unknown party? That could happen to anyone.
would it be bad to have sex with him just to have an abortion to spite him? i mean i know that’s a legitimately terrible thing to do, but this is paul ryan.
Ambivalence towards birth control seems like a recipe for disaster. Unless both parties are on board for a baby should fun times result in pregnancy, it seems pretty dangerous to just assume that all will be just fine should it happen. I’m much more in favor of planned pregnancy and taking proper precautions to…
Fascinating. I don’t feel this way at all. I am deeply committed to not getting pregnant, and always have been. I have nightmares about finding out that I’m pregnant. I reflect almost every single day on how grateful I am not to be pregnant or have kids. I’m almost certain that I would get an abortion if I did get…
Had to google. Was aware of the axiom, wasn’t aware it had a name. Every day’s a school day.
Betteridge’s Law in full effect.
I thought an eagle punch was when you punch someone in the stomach right before he climaxes causing them to screech and flap their arms.
Man that sucks. At the same time, it’s kinda cool. Weird feeling to have.
I know. Deklan is a terrible name.
I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.
I got one six months ago, and my boyfriend still makes fun of me lying on the couch yelling that he came home from work without bringing me any food and the heating pad was more than three feet away so I couldn’t reach it.
As a lady who just got a Mirena and has never been pregnant, I will say they HURT LIKE HELL. Like, yell that something is wrong, feel nauseous for an hour, crawl into bed with ibuprofen and question why you did that bad.
Very effective. Just reading the phrase “which hole is the clit??” made my clit climb into my body to hide.
Well she went to school with my great aunt, who’s 82, so. She’s also 82. There. Mystery solved again.