
Not terribly hopeful. I was excited for the DCYou thing, but I feel like they forgot about it 5 minutes after the press releases. The things I've been hearing have been the things that I liked least about New52, focusing on legacy and blah blah blah.

Going to hope that I find a copy of Fire Emblem Fates: Special Edition, cause the whole separate-games-with-DLC-only-third-game bullshit is bullshit. If I can't manage to get one at a reasonable price I may just skip the games til they're cheaper.

Yes, yes, and yes.

Okay but if this gives us a new Silent Hill then I'm okay with this.

I don't really think it's that extraneous crap has been added, just that these types of games have been out long enough that people know how to manipulate them way beyond what we knew 20 years ago. A lot of new stuff is just iterations on bugs/exploits/unintended mechanics from older games.

Richie is waaaaaaaay too good for Patrick. I want Patrick to be alone and miserable. Or miserable with Kevin forever.

It's only four issues in so far, but #1 and #2 are a sort of mini-arc, which #3 and #4 on seem to build upon. It's strongly focused on Blue Marvel and Galactus


If DP is 50% off, isn't it just regular penetration then?

It's well-written, explores the more fantastic and cosmic side of the Marvel universe, has a cast of characters I already love, seems to be so far a hopeful story about making the universe better with the power of science. It feels a bit like a successor to the Fantastic Four in that sense.

Ultimates is my second favorite running Marvel book (after Ms Marvel).

I was thinking more of social justice ideas turning into actual, personal manipulation like the case in the LW being rare. But yeah, that idea of BDSM as inherently harmful isn't as rare as I'd like nor anything actually new

It could be fake and it's certainly like a collection of topics so very Dan Savage that I could see someone with an axe to grind would send to get Dan to either rip into tumblr kids or to get him to slip up and say something problematic.

I've encountered people who love to police and harass and threaten people for whatever the fuck reason, I'm sure there are people who'll use their newfound social justice knowledge as a justification for it.

It's like Mighty Avengers all over again. Love Al Ewing's stuff but I can't stand the art. At least Ultimates has great art.

He could absolutely be unintentionally hipster, but that specific style shown definitely requires way too much effort.

Most people period are flaky or transient.

In my personal experience (you'll find differences in how people use them based on geography and such), Growlr is very sexual and mainly larger men. Scruff has pretty much any kind of guy and looking for anything from dates to sex and a larger selection.

~the "marketplace" doesn't work~

but what if this time the Internet was good
it could totally happen you guys