
As a kid, I watched “Hercules” until “Xena” became a thing, and then I couldn’t go back to it after it just couldn’t measure up to how awesome Lucy/Xena was. Not only did she look like a million bucks, she was exciting and fun to watch in action, esp. when she got to YIYIYIYIYIYIYIYIY before chucking her frisbee of

Hahahahaha I always love a predictable “people are offended by ‘Merry Christmas’” comparison.

Your grown-ups must be proud. 

I just want you guys who are reading this is straight up authoritarian moves. I said it again a week ago n here, outside a few journalist over the web, no mainstream media isn’t calling it what it is. This”lowering the bar” is a move to slowly get is use to these types of moves. A lot of the populace live in a state

Or, if you were born and raised in the Bible Belt like me, a crucifix befitting android Jesus.

Should have kicked Karen off the flight.

When we’re fixing civil forfeiture, let’s take another look at traffic tickets.

This fucking year.

Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.

I hate when parents let their kid off the leash.

Get this un-American drivel off Jalopnik. We all know AR-15 is the only right answer.

Her most honest look.

You know that shade of green is uses for green screens specifically because its a shade you do not see very often because its jarring and uncomfortable. Why would you wear clothes of that color. No one looks good as a lime Popsicle.

Comic books lied to us. Vigilantes don’t make us safer.

Cut this shit out. She is a teenager in a dysfunctional family. You are compounding her anguish. Just stop.

Neither of these articles contain enough information to form an opinion, even with the disturbing audio tape. Having been an ally to a person with dementia, I can attest that one moment everything is perfectly fine and in the next moment the patient is suddenly terrified and screaming. Had a casual observer ever

She said next 8 years, I’m leaning 12.

Probably because they missed a lot of guns before because there are too many passengers and now they’re able to scrutinize every bag without delaying people too long.

Nah, not even then. The goal of the justice system is supposed to be rehabilitation as well as containment. If someone is so unengaged with democracy they try to sell it out, then the way to rehabilitate them is NOT to make them more disenfranchised.

Nothing should result in losing your right to vote. It ought to be one of the absolute rights in a democracy.