Yes, definitely
Yes, definitely
“Most” isn’t all. He’s assuming consent in a situation where there’s a huge power imbalance. Maybe everyone he’s ever done this too was happy about, but maybe some weren’t and just didn’t feel able to speak up given the circumstances. Why take the risk?
Obviously her being underage makes it 10 times worse, but pulling a random woman out of the crowd to kiss and fondle is creepy in general
You’re welcome to disagree with her tax plan idea, but the suggestion that it is extremist or unprecedented only means you’re uninformed and/or have bought into conservative propaganda about wealth and taxes
You mean she’s a politician? Yes, I knew that already. Who’s being childish again?
She literally just started her job and you're complaining that she hasn't done anything yet. That's just dumb
Between the multiple accusations, her recanting (at least once, maybe again here?) and what she said on Good Morning America about why she recanted, this reads like a pretty classic domestic abuse situation.
And do car doors really unlock when you put your car in park?
So shut up and accept that only white men can be President? Great message for 2020. Fuck you
I was gonna point out that even if generalizations are sometimes useful, that particular generalization seemed unusually broad, but I didn’t want to be accused of “Not-All-Men”-ing when I do understand the general point being made here and the truth in terms broad dynamics of dating/flirting/harassment
That “I also love women who build other women up...just saying” is some manipulative garbage, and she knew what she was doing when she retweeted to her army of followers
Just pre-ordered it on Amazon, can’t wait to read it! Seems fascinating
How is this guy only 33? I’ll be 33 in a month
Please don’t compare people being lynched to a rich guy not getting to be on a TV show anymore and having people say bad things about him on the internet. It’s dumb.
“Believe Women” has never meant to believe uncritically, that’s a straw man put forth by people who would rather keep the status quo of doubting women. This is a decent explanation of what people actually mean when they say believe women:
He was actually harassing men and women
Told myself I’d keep my current Mazda 3 for at least 10 years, so I guess I’ll be buying this used in 2026
Put your hands out to show you have no weapon, start to get down on the ground so you’re not a threat, get shot anyway because apparently you’re some sort of magician who’s about to produce a gun out of thin air