
Do you have another source as opposed to the Daily Worker?

Au contraire, mon frere. Forty-somethings that saw the original in the theater many times plus are at the apex of their earning potential. A quick shot of nerd nostalgia in the vein might be just the fix for those that have the cash to burn on a vacation, although I would hope that their European vacation would entail

They are broiled in garlic and wine,the snail is just a base for the sauce. Never tried the sausage.

Only if they throw in all I can eat snails, cheese, and wine.

You offering?

Playboy was the classiest of the fap mags. Without that, what shall it be now? A literary magazine?

Archie Bunker.

If one is going to make James Bond a person of color, it would make much more sense for him to be a Briton of Indian or Pakistani descent.

Dogs is one of those songs that I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I first heard it. Gilmour's ethereal guitar solos were perfect.

They can wear their X, I'll wear mine.

Apples and oranges. The Confederate flag is no different than a rainbow flag, or a black power flag. Is everyone allowed to celebrate their heritage EXCEPT for the southern white male?

Tolerance much? Change your attitude.

I want him to sign my comic book collection. Even the DC ones.

The Sperryville store is in Virginia. At least get your facts right if you're going to make fun of someone.

Lloyd had already been taken from the scene by then.

The tow truck driver is a friend of mine, he said that the car (it was a rental) looked like he'd been living in it.

I will give you Revolution 9, it is absurdist avant-garde pretension. Most of the other songs, though: Do the authors even LIKE the Beatles?

Pahl Reveah!

So, does deciding to become voluntarily celibate because you can't get any count?

Slouching towards Idiocracy.