
No comments yet about the name of this real man of Mistry? I am sad. Pretty sure he was only a parking attendant by day, international man of mystery at night.

Which gear touched down first.... and what does that tell you about bank? If there was none as you say, then they should have touched down all gears at the same time.

Really easy to talk shit from the sidelines. But it sounds as though you have never flown anything larger than a single engine piston or perhaps a light twin. Some info for you;

I would argue that it is more about them trying to think for the user. No I don’t want some customized start page based on games I played or my friends play. I want new releases and filters that are user selectable. It’s the same with Google often trying to be too smart “Showing results for XXX”... No god damn it, I

I would never turn away a Huayra but peak Pagani up til now is still the Zonda. Granted, the plain color ones look a bit meh. But it just looks so much more purpose built around the ‘cockpit’.

I’m pretty sure WRC cars are closer related to hovercraft then to cars.... inertia, weight transfer, start steering before you actually want the turn to happen and the faster you go the more air below.

Kind of interested in what you call the current administration if Obama was amateur hour... Our Lord and Savior Trumpus Americanus?

Your first statement just read more like it was about individuals, not police as a collective (“your own actions” and “your job”). Perhaps I am the only one who read it as such, in that case my apologies.

Wait, so respect has to be earned by each person individually and should not be associated to your job.... But you think it’s OK to then disrespect individuals because of their job? I’m not following your logic.

Yep, missed that indeed. Then fuck that angry dick of a flight attendant.

Response time? I don’t know. I guess it is also something that requires actual responsibility instead of empty gestures. Because with all due respect, standing up and saying what you would do or that you want an employees name is a little bit of an empty gesture.

Possible, but that’s an exception and not the rule basically. I know there are plenty of people that don’t fly regularly, or at all. But most I know, do some basic research before that first time or when it’s somewhat of a special occurrence to go flying. Either way, from the video I would suppose she is the least to

Lady with kids: Don’t try to bring a stroller into the cabin with you. It’s dumb. It is very, very likely you knew it was not allowed. Besides that, sorry that this happened to you.

While possible, it is also possible the employees were deadheading (flying to Louisville as passengers) to operate a flight from there as active crew. In this case it’s United operations who fucked up by getting them standby tickets instead of confirmed seats, but it is quite common to have crew travel on standby (at

I only just watched the race, but at multiple points you do see blue flags being given to Grosjean even though he is more than a second ahead. And you can for sure feel the turbulent air even that distance behind. So you want all the benefits you can get to remain ahead of someone pressuring you.

Was I alone in noting that the sounds effects for the limo seemed to be off? I mean you have this beefy and heavy looking limo but closing the door or trunk sounded like... I don’t even know what. I imagined some beater 70s or 80s car when I heard the sounds. Like no sound insulation, no heavy feeling, pure thin ill

A 737 on descent at a thousand feet AGL (but how high above aerodrome?) will probably need anywhere between idle and 60% power. A Cessna will be cruising at more or less 80-90% power depending on the weather and pilot (some like to cruise at the top of the green RPM band). Just saying. If that 737 came over at 1000'

Do a bit of reading about human factors and limitations and threat and error management :). Really, small mistakes happen on every single flight, just usually they get caught before turning into something like this.

It happens to pilots all over the world for a myriad of reasons. In any cockpit on any flight mistakes are made all the time. In commercial operations this is often caught by procedures and other crew members before these mistakes turn into errors and incidents. Flying single pilot, you don’t have that luxury and if

Damn you, now I’m looking at Lancers to buy around here again...