There are probably a lot of important issues to talk about. Some of them might result in our extinction though.
There are probably a lot of important issues to talk about. Some of them might result in our extinction though.
It isn’t the most important issue. Abortion rights are more important.
Civil rights are always very important.
Your points and the sentence are not mutually exclusive. Her options are circumscribed by being a woman, and that’s part of her read of the situation.
But I think her bitterness and resentfulness is part of being born a woman. She is pretty transparent about that in the early seasons. It doesn’t excuse her behaviour altogether, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to argue that her anger also stems from her gender being an obstacle in her desire for power.
He remembers some stuff, but not Tyrion Povich telling all of King’s Landing that he is not the father.
Like the Tyrells and the Martells, they are now completely extinct (on the show). You’d think families that survived thousands of years might have produced more offspring (no one has any freaking cousins in Westeros) for just this reason.
I think it’s time to admit Euron is the greatest military mind in Westeros just for the fact that he scouts out the area prior to battles.
I thought Qyburn turned all of Varys’s little birds to his side? It seems Varys’s only job now is to look shifty, hold his sleeves together, and hate on Dany.
You’d think that losing one dragon and almost losing another would make the “Dragon Queen” super careful about her military flying assets. So she went for a joyride above enemy territory of course. Drogon should just eat her and fly away back to Essos.
And that is exactly why he’s made this video. He put this video out to make it clear that he does not condone or support any of the racists who surround him. Felix’s humor is regularly very mellow and childish, instead of dark or sadistic, and I wish that those who speak of him would take a moment to compare what they…
Why, back in his day, a good ol’ boy wouldn’t have had to even ask permission.
So it sounds like he acknowledged in their conversation that he should have contacted her in advance. Classic “better to ask for forgiveness than permission”. So much entitlement behind that way of thinking.
Oof. And I JUST got done reading a David Brooks* hagiography of Biden focusing on his decency and ability to connect with people dealing with grief over lost loved ones.
Oh my God, seriously? This dude...
It’s odd to me that when a white person burns down *allegedly* burns down 3 black churches they need to do a bunch of online reconnaissance to determine if he was racist. Yes he was racist, he burned down 3 black churches.
And all it took to convict Raja was for a man to die, the call to have been coincidentally recorded, public outcry, a four-year intermission between the killing and the trial, the ghost of Trayvon Martin to haunt the trial,
and30 years of Florida cops shooting black people and getting away with it, and a cop who…
ok. i said a few days ago that it was stupid they were getting counsel from her for their campaigns.