
God real life is more like a subreddit than I’d like to realize.

Some of them still probably resent you a little for it. I guess that’s a big difference, a guy who tells a woman to “relax” about it (the ones who curse at you usually do it when there’s no audience) might have the support of the others but very few people would question your right to set your boundaries. But I’m

It’s amazing how well your description fits womens experience as well.  That certainly indicates a power dynamic.  It can be so uncomfortable being assertive within a casual interaction but it’s a corner they back you into.  I’d be interested to hear how they respond.

Yeah I think it was a dumb request and if he’d said “YEAH HOW ABOUT NO” I would have enjoyed that.

I’m not arguing that he’s under any obligation to do anything someone requests, not at all.  But it’s all work.

Right? I’ve been wondering when he’d stop doing that shit he’s done it on like every late night show too. I’m not faulting him for being a ham, I love him, but I can see why Ashley thought he’d be eager to do it for the fiftieth time. This was extremely dumb on her part but she looks nervous and probably realizes her

OMG it’s not “giving”. We have a well structured civilization that we all contribute to in some way. The stability of that structure benefits us all. We have an income disparity problem that must be addressed. This plan represents US using OUR resources to fix a problem that affects us ALL. This is no more a gift than

Some stenciled scripture and a giant clock.

I can think of no time period during my lifetime or my mothers lifetime when doing this to unsuspecting teenage girls would be even remotely acceptable.  I’m surprised nobody interrupted the proceedings.  I wouldn’t even wait to find out what award she’d come up with for my daughter.  They’ll remember this bullshit

He gives talks about how 1x1 cannot = 1 and he’s revolutionizing mathematics. If you look it up and listen to him talk for like 3 minutes you will be amazed he is employed, let alone successful. Like if he was on the subway you’d switch cars out of concern. Oddly, other than that I find him really endearing and I love

and added context: nobody outside of DC can tell the neighborhoods apart. Tell me which part of the Bronx would this writer choose to live in?

like omg “Because it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen.”  HOW DO YOU FIGURE?

Please tell me this is satire

Seriously.  When are they going to start profiling and condemning all white males as terrorists?

I feel sympathy for him for what he’s about to go through but I do not feel sympathy for his professional paranoia and insecurity. That is the human condition and no excuse for what he has done. The consequences affect entire communities and the anger directed at him is justified.  We all experience anxiety and

Omg but why. We all get stressed, he’s not special. You don’t get to do shit like this. I’m not into cancel culture but he should humble himself.

I think this crime is more serious than that.  If he wound up with 6-18 months, probably mostly suspended I’d be happy but you’re probably right. 

Thank you. Being self-centered is not a mental illness, it’s a shitty personality trait. I’m not saying he should be ostracized and die penniless but he should come clean, take his punishment and humble himself to the public.

And it’s not just his own communities he’s harmed, it’s anyone who comes forward with a story of assault or harrassment leveled at the powerful. The knee-jerk response has always been to doubt and assert that the accuser is simply an attention seeker and as we work to change that assumption, here is an example of