
I must disagree. We are praising teachers who died doing what he was armed and trained to do. I would also criticize any teacher who hid without trying to help the kids. He was literally the only person on the premises with the means to stop the shooter. Shame, shame on him.

I read that there were no drills. I’m with you on gun control just not sure why anyone would defend what this security officer did. I mean any adult rushes to protect children, armed or not. I don’t get it.

Oh ok so the guy with the gun sees a shooter killing kids he’s known for years and he is supposed to exit the building to make a phone call but teachers shepherd kids into classrooms and shield them with their bodies. Great system.

Yes this should be every headline right now.

His job is to get home safe every night haven’t you heard?

Exactly. 80 fucking k a year FOR WHAT???!!!!

The truth is he probably still feels like his girlfriend ruined his career.

Yeah she’s guilty of being a naive weirdo. Even if she did everything they accuse her of, it’d be the least effective attempted murder of all time, and she clearly did not. No idea why people are so determined to convict her for her words. The evidence is in plain sight.

She always tries and always fails To be conscious of other people.

“Adoption is about me” seems accurate. Ugh ugh ugh can she please stop.

I mean wtf does that even mean.

Seriously. Trying to start some shit so they can be like “see?” Hope they enjoy reading about those dollar returns.

See? They’re not racist!

I grew up with a full food chain in my house as well but we were not poor, my mother was just mentally ill and negligent. I learned how to catch snakes and fill mouse holes with steel wool. But As a poor adult I tried everything with roaches and failed. If the apartment building is infested you will not be able to

Oh ok so parents would not have to work, and that will fix this problem and cost the government nothing. What?

Let the NRA pay for it.

Best comment.

Haha I HATE it and I had to cook all that shit. I too no longer qualify for foodstamps but as a vegan if they’d been sending me spam when I was on them it would have been so stupid and wasteful.

Hmmm. Perhaps treat it like foster care. Screen everyone in the household, including children and people who live elsewhwre but spend time there. For the person purchasing the gun have them complete safety training which will include psychological evaluation over the course of two weeks or so, as well as a full

The screening needs to be stricter. People may not like it but who fucking cares.