
I misread that as triggle a giggle

Why is Geoff talking, I was promised Zelda in this pre-show

I caught a shiny Magnemite yesterday (my first shiny ever) completely by chance. Decided to go level my Pichu before heading to Route 2, and at the edge of the grass, the shiny Magnemite popped up. I went “What’s wrong with it? Are there Alolan Magne-” and then it did the sparkle and I hurled a great ball at it and

I’m glad you illustrated that it won’t work for larger arms. I was super interested in getting one until I saw that. But then, it is a kid’s toy.

I still wish there was some kind of single player. All these shorts, all this world building and it’s just a multiplayer game?

Right when I start getting sick of Pikachu’s existence, this happens. Shit, son, I’m gonna catch one of these and I’m gonna name it Kangyo and he’s gonna destroy whatever Alola’s elite four is and I’m gonna love him forever and he’ll be in my pokecrew!

that famicom one

holii shit

Quick question, what even is 200FPS? I had a game doing 259FPS last night and I was kind of afraid ._.

On the one hand, getting hype about games is something I just don’t do. Like NMS’s thing didn’t hurt me cuz all I knew about that game was “Oh hey, space. Cool.”

I’m not sure what the box sledding was, but if you’re talking about the snowboarding thing, Twilight Princess had that. It’s interesting to see it return, can’t wait to surf a shield down the top of a mountain and break all my little elf bones.

Prediction: It will be a solid, good system that is poorly explained and thus fails because game companies are afraid to interact with it. People will play the core games, and love them, but then also feel wronged for there not being third party content on the same level as the PS4 Pro or the Xbox Scorpio, because as

All I know is that, if/when I choose Popplio I get a male Popplio, I’m gonna put the DS down and go looking for a list of fabulous names for men. And then set aside one of them for Rowlett as well.

I scrolled through, hoping to find out what Litten’s third form’s typing was. Instead I found bearded Golem, which is fabulous because I usually name Golem “Rocky Balboa” but now I can call him “The Russian”

I don’t think I could play Tuber Simulator for the same reason I don’t want to play FNAF. That series and being a youtuber have a stigma shackled to them that you can’t shake, even if you didn’t know about it. I decided to do random let’s plays from a combination of “this is too many steam games, I should play them”

Awesome, now TWO people can play the Wii U without needing the TV instead of just one!

The description of the gameplay sounds like a combination of Crackdown and the PS2 Godfather game. I can absolutely get behind that.

Boy howdy, I can’t wait to get that free game that I can’t run. Whooooo

I like this. Being beset by hundreds of Weedles and Pidgeys and Rattatttattatttas could eventually result in finding something useful in that same type group.

I’m afraid of the other part of Brionne’s pokedex entry, the fact that when it reaches max affection, then you’re allowed to see it frown. Like “I love you feel my paaaaaaaain.”