Sounds like maybe it was Scott who burgled the neighbor house and decapitated 6-8 other pregnant women????
Sounds like maybe it was Scott who burgled the neighbor house and decapitated 6-8 other pregnant women????
“We were on a break!”
Maybe…. Exposure Assault?
Are we talking about the Jack in the Box on at Denny? Are you sure it’s closed??? I guess we can head up to the Taco Bell then.
While the sole is very similar to the Nike 720 sole, those two sneakers are not really similar at all in the sneaker world - different silhouettes, materials, design aesthetic, and feel. I do get that they appear somewhat similar in that they are fairly simple black thick-soles sneakers. The AMQ sneaker has basically…
I don’t get it either. It’s dumb. So I agree with you completely, but I’ve seen this is soooooooooo important to some. Modern Republicans *believe* they are not racist, and they actually believe that their political beliefs, if enacted, would be better for minorities and the poor in the US. They believe welfare, BLM,…
Where are the follow up questions:
regarding Racist vs. racist and the idea of punching up or punching down, i look at it like this: punching is punching; but assault is much different than self-defense. so different we would not use the term “assault” to describe someone who was engaging in “self-defense,” though that act of self-defense might clearly…
That was not an apology.
What if your friend tattoos their baby????
The concept of “redistribution of wealth” is an absolute anathema to middle and lower class conservatives. That is NOT the way to phrase it to sell it to them. That’s the way to alienate them and bolster them to vote their conscience even if it is against their best interest (their conscience being it is…
Follow-up to this post from an older Jezebel article:
She won because she proved the reporting was not factually accurate. The “they” didn’t lose because “reasons.” There were no statements “they” offered spoken by Rebel that demonstrated she lied or was a liar. It’s pretty straight-forward, and would be so even in the US.
I still get in Facebook “debates” with Trump supporters who drop, “What about Hillary?” on the constant. They seem to think a valid defense of anything Trump is accused of is that they can accuse Clinton of something else.
“You’d have to pay me to wear that” doesn’t mean you actually want to be paid.
yes it’s the vacines being too irony that causes these problems
See TommysLeftHand’s reply.