
There’s a veggie sandwich shop in Salt Lake City called Bud’s that uses jackfruit. I’m as far from being a vegetarian as a person can be but I admit their jackfruit sandwiches are fucking delicious.

Right?! “I’ll meet you at the bar after the game, dumbshit.” I would insist that she stay.

I really think you had to have been raised in the culture to understand how deference to male religious authority is the unquestioning, default position for believing Mormons. They have the priesthood authority so they know, by definition, what is best for the flock. This doesn’t surprise me at all. “That’s such a

He’s the winner of a stage, which is a big deal in itself, but not the entire multistage race winner.

Surround sound is bane of my existence. Anyone who is in a larger city where most folks live in apartment buildings probably knows what I’m talking about.

Surround sound is bane of my existence. Anyone who is in a larger city where most folks live in apartment buildings