
from the writers of space invaders...

Dear Goalies,

Now playing

Jon Stewart deserves serious props, no matter your choice of political party. He's gotten in more shots on republicans than I could ever count, but we (republicans) are better for it and it's sad to see him leave. He also created a way to do the news that for a younger generation is not just tolerable but widely

Jon Stewart always gave me a way to work through the anger and frustration and ridiculousness and wrongdoings of politics and people. Whatever awful thing had happened, you could watch him and even though the problem didn't get better, you at least could work through it and just go "Ya, somebody fucking gets it." And

See?! "I'm Your Huckleberry" is such a fantastic line... delivered with such perfection... it's inspired someone on the Internetted Webs to adopt it as his name!

Sony: "Okay, lets lay all the chips on the table guys. How much money is our Spider-man worth compared to..."
Exec: "Not even close."
Sony: "You didn't let me finish, what I was saying is..."
Exec: "Don't bother, we'll never see that type of money."
Sony: "Listen here, I'm in charge, so if you want to keep working..."

Can we vote for best spy disguise?

And the best:

No worries Trent, your career still has life...

"Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my gorram ship for no apparent reason?"

Let us NOT forget these four astronauts who were killed during training in the early years.

So, when do we reach peak Pratt? Every hero has to fall eventually, right?

Dear New York,

That's why you post a video in your Facebook feed, Russ, then nobody from the NFL will ever see it.

I just can't help it, but everytime I see Ronan the Accuser, I just keep seeing Data from Star Trek. And the insane part of me would want him to come back as an android.

It must be such a relief to see something black on the floor in Chicago that isn't Derrick Rose.

My god bones....what have I done?

Plenty of letters left in the alphabet.

Actually they are red on the Wookie's side. I think.