
“white male Hillary-haters in the media”

I hope she gets more gigs because of this. Man. “Be a face for diversity but don’t you dare fucking talk about it.” Hired for diversity, fired by them because of their racism. Wish I could find that unbelievable.

Super proud of her for telling the damn truth regardless but fucking bummed that she lost her coin. I really hope this winds up opening new and better doors for her.

So “demisexual” means that a person doesn’t want to fuck someone until they decide that they want to fuck them? Still sounds like the vast majority of the population to me. Not caring about looks isn’t a sexual orientation, for Christ’s sake.

Her ugly shoes, which are ripoffs of higher quality designs!

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall

Always relevant.

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

You can join at any point for as much or as little time as you wish. This isn’t a marathon you must begin and finish. It is an organic outpouring of love.

Dear MVP,

Has MVP’s boyfriend met a specific person he wants to sleep with hence he’s come up with this? I would probably think so...

I feel like this story could be merged with the upper east side mommy bloggers one...

“I’ll never understand the sex appeal of a boozy cigarette-withered middle-aged man with a hairpiece fondly nicknamed a rat, not to knock Frank Sinatra.”

Unsolicited advice from someone who survived a very necessary estrangement from her own mother: beware of anyone who attempts to convince you that you should be able to look past this. I wish someone had told me 20 years ago that “blood is not thicker than safety.” Thank you and good luck.

thank you for your testimony in this

Meanwhile, no arrests for the guys that beat up Deandre Harris with sticks and poles. And Harris’ name, and his assault are rarely mentioned in articles covering Charlottesville.

Yeah and the protesters at the inauguration day protests (J-20) are facing up to 75 years in prison for all the charges they are facing. The GOP are the confederate party, this is all intentional.

This is even more obvious when you consider that many of them were erected, not after the civil war, but in response to various civil rights demonstrations throughout the early and mid 1900's as a blatent threat to African Americans and promise to stay committed to white supremacy.

I get this, but in reverse. In an argument with my father this weekend, he took the side of Nazi protesters and told me that if I wasn’t so pathetic I’d be able to do something to improve my life and the lives of my family. Because I believed the government should condemn nazism.