
I had a 2nd trimester abortion for a wanted child with chromosomal abnormalities and that in itself was hard enough. I cannot imagine being forced to carry a terminal fetus to term, being forced to go through the process of either delivering or having a c-section, being forced to deal with everything your body does

Well, you know, this isn’t suspicious at all.

Yeah, Cosby, because the thought of someone making you ingest something against your will and knowledge is pretty fucking horrifying, huh?

This dumbass, dead-eyed motherfucker.....

Oh my God. Stop pretending to care about the safety of women. If you really cared about the safety of women, you’d open more Planned Parenthood clinics so women can have access to health care, birth control and safe abortions!

Gizmodo has gone full Hitler Youth nowadays. I guess it’s not a coincidence that the personality types of STEM Men and the Alt Right seem to mesh together so well.

-Stop infecting the Muslim world with Wahabi/Salafi ideology through your textbooks and “scholars”

In before the debate even gets started.

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

You linked to a piece about a private school.

That’s another rant. The schools are technically non-profit but they then contract with a for profit company to run it. The company specifically creates the nonprofit for this reason.

Charter schools piss me off and this bullshit is just one reason. I’m all for providing alternative methods of instruction, some kids don’t flourish under the standard model, but the should all be under the school board.

The tabloid went about it the right way. It’s the police department that might have messed up.

That idea that queer-identified men can’t or don’t sexually assault women is dangerous and short-sighted.


It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

When I was sexually harassed at work, the reporting process was at least 5 times as traumatic as the actual harassment - and I had a trusted, personal relationship with the person to whom I had to report. In the end, I was told that I would not be informed of any disciplinary actions that were taken against my


Chelsea Manning being let go is one thing.