
Look at that prep schooler who got convicted, yet has served barely a day in jail and keeps whining for a new trial. His victim got a conviction and still, no justice.

I’m sorry these men did this to you. I hope they burn in hell sooner rather than later.

I knew how hurt my family and friends would be after finding out and I didn’t want to put them through that.

You mean like when she choose someone with a record on choice not that different from Mello’s as her running mate?

Look, I voted for and liked Hillary a lot, but the fact that she was a bad candidate is NOT a myth. She was. The archaic system you mention is HOW WE ELECT PRESIDENTS. Until that changes, candidates need to win the EC, not the popular vote. She and her crew fucked that up in a BIG way.

Yeah but a lot of the criticism was valid. The lily white Brooklyn, it is trapped in its quirks and then you get honest emotional episodes peppered in then the characters stay stuck. Yes that happens in real life but so do a myriad of other banal things that don’t make interesting tv. There’s a lot of bullshit

So what do you call people who oppose Nazis?

TrumpBros brought faces, Antifa brought fists. What’s to ask?

On this same (front) page is a story about a Stanford graduate who felt discriminated against as a Caucasian and who has now been tapped by Betsy DeVos in a civil rights position. It isn’t everyone, but many of the Stanford students are highly privileged and from connected, wealthy families in the Republican

Delicate little shit. Boasts about being a serial sexual predator, can’t handle being seen as a sexual predator.

I am not surprised in the least that this doctor is a woman. FGM is often insisted upon by the women who have themselves endured it. I’m no fan of Ayaan Hirsi but she is clear that her father opposed the procedure, and her grandmother secreted her away from the home to undergo it. As well as another case profiled on

Stick a sock in it. People hated Hillary long before they knew who Bernie Sanders was.

Well comey can eat shit and die.

When will white people address their culture of violence?

How was he radicalized? Where was he praying? Why didn’t neighbors report him?

Oh, my pleasure! Here’s a bonus round.

So a crack smoking Irish guy from Long Island decides to go get hammered and be a bigot on St. Patrick’s Day.

They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.