
I’m not a doctor

Social work intern here. I don’t care much for celebrity news ordinarily but came here to say it’s totally inappropriate and unethical for a social worker to accept a dinner invite from a client’s (the child in this case since it’s family court) parent. I know we’re underpaid, but a free dinner is not worth

Ah, stone house. I’ve been there. The pictures hardly do it justice. I spent time in Yemen for a job in 2012 before it all went to hell. My ex is from Al-Hudeidah and we met the year before that at a UN peacekeeping mission in central Africa. I could go to any restaurant in Sana’a and walk out with 2-3 cell phone

You’re one of my favorite commenters on here. Thank you for sharing the history and the tunes.

Agreed, this is incredible. As a Jew, I am proud to stand with my Muslim brothers and sisters to resist thefascism and hatred that has been normalized in the last year.

No need to get ahead of yourself here. Bush and Cheney still invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and are responsible for the deaths of millions of people.

Their union was championing Trump as early as the primaries, so that ought to tell you exactly the sort of people they are [deplorable].

Fuck Gloria Steinem. She was never an emancipatory feminist. She worked for the CIA while they were helping to crush peoples revolutions and prop up murderous, fascist regimes.

You’ve had a lot of replies from folks saying “welp let’s hope you never get cancer”. But I’m here to say I hope you do. Or I’ll take some degenerative illness that forces you to stop working that lands you on Medicaid or at the whim other people’s charity. Then you may get why health care needs to be universal. It’s

As the sister of a combat veteran who was in Afghanistan, when this news first broke and even when she was negotiating her plea I was concerned [for self-serving reasons] such leaks could put people like my brother at greater risk of harm from backlash. But this simply was not the case. And the international scrutiny

Seriously. And he’s an anti-vaxxer, so fuck him extra hard.

I hate their music, but nope, gotta agree with Patton Oswalt on this in 2014:

I don’t see many folks saying “you’re not really on our side ‘cause you’re white”. But it’s long been time for white women to critically examine our whiteness, our privilege. To end oppression, it must be confronted at its source. White women are dominating the anti-Trump narrative and speaking over marginalized

I work with the incarcerated and re-entry population, and your comment is utter bullshit.

Phasers are Star Trek. Not Star Wars.

Their high standards are only applied to white folk.

Wow. Agree with his statement 100%. It is horrendous and I hope the government, religious authorities, and the people of Turkey will see this as a chance to reconcile rather than divide further and crack down on liberity. But Turkey’s monetary and material support for Sunni supremacist militias including ISIS and

No, that is wrong. This fucking kills me that this happened to Carrie. I just lost my uncle in August the exact same way. He was 68 and in excellent health. This was cardiac arrest, not heart attack which a lot of articles are incorrectly reporting. Her heart stopped. Even if you’re pumping someone’s chest into

If you’re against black lives matter or support a border wall, you are indeed a racist, or you don’t understand the message. Either way, I question your intelligence.