shouldn’t she go to jail because of this
shouldn’t she go to jail because of this
LOL, CNN polls also had Hitlery Clinton winning by 80%.
Nope, the people there want a wall. They are the ones who are most threatened by the lawbreakers.
If it seems strange to you it’s only because the concept of work was forgotten by the last administration.
No good deed goes unpunished on hateful internet click bait sites.
With assholes like you who get paid to write and promote hate, I wouldn’t be thrilled to be first lady either.
Obama instilled hate into the hearts of countless Americans, this is the byproduct of Obama’s campaign of hate.
Dude, dude, dude, Amanda, try hating a little less and loving a little more.
Yup, all that writing and all that confusion. You really have worked yourself into paradox you can’t even see.
With I think of the inherent dangers of 4 years of Hillary Clinton, I am so relieved that Trump won!
Obama’s legacy:
You know the difference between Trump and Clinton? Trump’s kids will say they love their parents. Chelsea knows she was only born because she was a cold, calculated political move.
For the past eight years we had a first lady who hated the USA, and made it more than clear. We finally have a first lady who is proud of the country and all the vitriolic media does is hate on her. So much for women supporting women.
Yup, Russia had a direct and obvious influence on the election. Putin was right behind me watching me vote. It was very invasive. I went to my crying room and blamed Obama for letting the country go so far down this rabbit hole.
Lol, they’re at work. Republicans work so we can sit around and say we’re working.
Perhaps it’s because republicans have jobs and when democrats went for Obama they went to celebrate their sugar daddy?