imwithher4eva To: Date: 2015-12-03 01:05 Subject: Re: Tweet | NBC reports a shooter’s name

Maybe because one was honest about conflicts and the other lied? I think she tried to blame Jesus a few weeks ago

They signed the contract with those terms, she violated her terms of her contact.

Really makes you think,

The bad taste in your mouth is comming from her seriously she stinks like piss and cabbage

How does it feel to know you’ll have a nazi frog loving president? Or are you moving to Canada?

Nice reminder Hillary smells like piss and cabbage

It’s obvious that Russia hacked Flint’s water supply

Say it President Trump


She sure “quits”plenty of jobs.

This pretty much sums up Jezebel

Not a fan of him hillshrill. Reminder your candidate smells like piss farts and spoiled cabbage.

You’d still vote for her even if she curb stomped a baby

Because the polls are made to make Hillary win.

Just a reminder this is all your girls doing


So you’re saying I should buy this?