Ooohhhhhh, it makes sense now. He's from Canada
Ooohhhhhh, it makes sense now. He's from Canada
so tylenol is added to vicodin to enable natural selection? I don't think so. I don't think there's a mass conspiracy to kill off the poor, You are ridiculous.
I mentioned this on another article a few weeks ago, but $100 on contract ($550 off) doesn't make any sense to me either. However, I would go even further than you on pricing. I think they should have had the phone be free on contract or $300 off contract. That could have seriously shaken up the market, and I'm…
For certain buildings, spires add aesthetic elements. For Burj Al Arab, for one, needs that spire and the buttresses to complete the outline of a sail blowing in the wind.
No, it cost us hundreds of millions to scare other nations into not flying their air forces against us.
True story...back when I was 12 my dad and I went camping in the very southeastern corner of Oregon (Owahee River high desert area). A terrible thunderstorm came on us, and we were forced to flee a canyon in the middle of the night out of fear for flash flooding. At the rim of the canyon we became stuck in mud so…
What is this "drive" thing you speak of? Just take the train!
In the midwest, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting a grocery store. I know, because I swing dead cats all the time.
Here you go, internet. Enjoy:
So is reram better than skyrmion? :)
Durant: [Giggling] Get that weak shit outta here!
If only it were that simple. There is no little hobbit that can throw the ring in Mt Doom on this one. This would take a full overthrow of the government to change, and we all know that isn't going to happen. We elves are all too comfortable in our own little Rivendell's to concern ourselves with the world of men.
This isn't that uncommon— I hear that Mark Sanchez playfully calls some of his black teammates "n——-r," and they call him "terrible."
But Brooklyn is on Long Island. Like geographically. It's an old joke to tease people with Brooklyn pride (transplants & lifelong Brooklyners)
Come on, really? How ignorant do you have to be to write something like that?
Right? The guy took some time and care in editing his dead buddies video.
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
If anyone was wondering how legitimate this problem is, Ashley and I had this conversation last night when we were gong over the post.
It had my interest until it started in with the canned crane shots in the middle of the test drive. Kindof shifted at that point from Jalop-friendly to pure commercial.