imTired™thatisall, Global Socialite

I also asked her to describe Trump in three words and her response was: “Stupid asshole”

The best part of this picture is that everyone else looks like they are dressed for their corporate office’s fun outing day.

They really could have edited the photos down to half what was chosen. First I would have cut is this “sad sand baby”.


Let’s be real, Anna only wore that boring-ass frock because it lets her wear her terrible Manolo mules, which her baby toes are always trying to escape.

ive been hoping you guys would post about this all day

*insert comment here about how we are supposed to feel sorry for his base*

Masculine of Brienne. As in, Brien of Tarth.

I just can’t believe we’ve somehow let Dax Shepard become a movie star.

OMG, I’m ded now that I’ve been missing these burns all day.

“The difference today is that men are now more frequently socialized to pay lip-service to household equality. Our culture rewards them for sharing housework and childcare. Yet still we have to ask nicely even when we’ve already asked twice, we have to be strategic in the way we frame our requests so as not to spook

When I was a teenager, I got it in my head that I would have either a baby or a husband, but not both because that would be too much work.

How Not to Hate Your Husband

Looking at this sends me into an irrational rage. Who is this person and why should I care what she does?

Right, cause she’s dead from ur mom’s farts

My mom dyed because of #500DOK #Neverforget500DOK

GAH - Change the picture already............. #neverforget500dok

My parents watched it. They said “Wow, it was really good, but it was really hard to watch.”