imTired™thatisall, Global Socialite

RIP 500 Days of Kristin. We will never forget you.

Thank you for your sacrifice.

This exchange is condescending to me.

Why else is everyone so spellbound by everything that Angelina does and willingly forgets anything less than positive she might have done to other people in her past? She’s like the Donald Trump of celebrities. Nothing sticks to her. This means Donald Trump is also a witch or perhaps a warlock since he is incapable of

*Please let me know if you consider this to be “great news” in the comments.

Any publicity is good publicity.... *eyeroll*

This is what I think of when I think of him tbh.

tell me, which of his roles is your favorite.

Gary Busey would have been a more interesting artistic choice actually...

Thank you, if literal, I hope it did not cause a big mess.

Sure, I can accept that the character is supposed to be a white dude in the script.


Uhm. Is her daughter her daughter... or like.. a slave? I didn’t think that parents owned their children.

Doesn’t Hugh have like four kids with two women? Sure. Settling down he is.

I agree, she could do a really nice one and play to her existing strengths.

*sigh* Taylor. Stick to your strengths. Song writing and wearing ball gowns. Kay?

Our entire life is an Onion newspaper now. What will the Onion do? Start writing real things?

Ashley, please research the square footage of Trump’s penthouse in Trump Tower where Barron has an entire floor to himself vs the White house living quarters? I’d like to know.

The look on Trumps face really seems like “Shiiiiiiittttt What have I done.”
