imTired™thatisall, Global Socialite

Hahahahaha. This reminds me of a super awkward date I went on when I was single. We met in Arlington? Shirlington? I cannot recall exactly. It was fine, but really awkward and very little actual conversation. I’d ask questions, he would answer and then crickets until I asked another question.


It’s ok for you to not be her fan.

I enjoy her because she has a nice voice and range. Her style is completely 90s which bridges the 80s and 00s artists. In the height of her fame, that was very much what people wanted to hear - and apparently still do considering the crappy music that comes out now from pop groups. I’d rather listen to her than most

Oh. Ew.

He seems pretty horrible but I haven’t cared to look into more about him.


I don’t think the network realizes that regardless of James Packer everyone loves to just watch Mariah be Mariah. Like. James Packer I’m sure is a fine person but he’s not the draw, Mariah is.

Well. I thought I found the answer.. but. he’s 49... so maybe it’s a reference to their bedroom role play. *tater shrug*

Life is death. So, you know. *tater shrug*

I totally agree with this. It goes with teaching your kid how to look out for themselves and their own well being. It will serve them well their entire lives. You don’t tell them all the bad stuff. Just that if they are uncomfortable they have the right to remove themselves or tell you/someone they trust about what

Agree. I am an only child and my parents act a lot like Emily and Richard. I think that’s the other reason that I liked Lorelai so much when I was younger - the way she was with her parents, I could identify with. But now older and having kids, I get Emily way better than I used to and like her much more.


I watched the show when it aired, then again on Netflix as an adult.

I WAS about to get something to eat for lunch.

Lol thanks. I like to try to out ridiculous them sometimes. It really just depends on how I feel. Heh.

This is true. But I think about this. My cousins were not raised to say hi or hug anyone, but they turned out just fine and have their own nice happy families. I suggest it to my kids, even if they don’t want to hug, I do make them say hi and bye because that’s basic courtesy.

Lol. I avoid touching other people’s kids tbh. Usually tell them I’m sick and shouldn’t touch anyone. LOL.

Heehee. yesterday I asked my 2 yo if I could give him a kiss on the cheeck and instead of saying yes he smushed his cheek into my lips for me. It’s really hard to not just smother my kids with kisses and hugs.

Oh I agree. I am still working on this with my kids. I tell them - you have to be polite and say hello to people at the very least. It’s still a work in progress though.