
I agree with this so much. I was a victim (yes victim) of a violent crime a few years ago. To be honest though I have more or less physically healed there are days when I'm not sure I'm going to survive, for one thing. And for another this was an external occurrence that was just as sudden as a car accident or an

Hi. German here. Here is a link from the Frankfurter Allgemeine about this case. This story certainly does not say that the accused murderer and his friends are being coddled. I assure this is an extremely unlikely scenario, that a foreign national would be "coddled" by the Polizei here. Germany has a different legal

That's pretty much this blog poster's stock in trade. She lines up these interpretations of somewhat sketchy papers and findings, inserts a "mommy wars" graf, and fires them off.

Actually this is terrible...I'm so sorry that happened to you. I'm crying just thinking about it. It sounds like you are a patient person and I hope the rest of the winter holidays unfold some really wonderful stuff for you. xox.

I always read your posts because they are so adventure-ful, and lately they have clued us in that "beyond the entertainment" you are very clever and resourceful!

That's interesting. I've lived outside my home country for much of my life. Xenophobia, misogyny, and racism are certainly connected to a lack of awareness about the subjecthood of other living things, including animals. I'm surprised that Adams's argument, which is very well-stated and documented, hasn't gained more

I cannot even believe I am seeing this comment on Jezebel. My eyes are about to bleed in disbelief. Carol J. Adams is the best; she has a new book coming soon on the animal image in art and is also writing the text for the Art / Animals catalogue (exhibit in L.A.).

I understand what you are saying. People have been making the same argument about violent and misogynistic video games (Grand Theft Auto) and rap music in general for a long time. I feel that violent pornography is a more probable vector to the actual commission of violence than either of the above.

Normally I agree with you and your comments are always provocative, but I don't think anyone, anywhere, not the music community nor anyplace else, is saying that Eminem is the best or even one of the best. There are some people who are great with flow and some people with brilliant lyrics but, critically (as in from

I do agree with you. I think Eminem is performing a persona and the ultra-aggro ad hominem attacks are just part of the act. People are free not to listen to his music, just as they are free not to look at a Degas painting, while acknowledging the talent of the maker.

late 14c., "an overseer, guardian, steward," from Latin actor "an agent or doer," also "theatrical player," from past participle stem of agere (see act (n.)). Mid-15c. as "a doer, maker," also "a plaintiff." Sense of "one who performs in plays" is 1580s, originally applied to both men and women.

OK. I'm a native German speaker, and the gender of the person is specified in nouns of professional description, i.e. Kellner/Kellnerin. This ability to make the term gender neutral is actually one of the things I like about English.

There's no need for you to be abusive or use profanity. You're simply incorrect about this.

Agreed. It's getting late in the U.S. but if there were another post today it'd probably be about people should put whatever they want on their faces and if you say anything about it you're shaming them....

I had to look her up but on further inspection I can see Tammy Faye would be down with jeweled brows.

What are you talking about? It's been in common use since the 1990s. Every major publication and cuisine critic who writes about labor and food uses "server." And I'm not talking about the German-hating-know-nothing douche who spews hate for European culture and food here.'s hard to fault Box for taking the job, considering how difficult it is for actresses in Hollywood. Several of my friends are out there trying to make it big and I know they take any job they can get.


Not sure about the writer's use of the word "egregious," tho.

Yes. I'm not actually a fan of the mid-period DM though I think they've redeemed themselves recently. John the Revelator is a particularly good single. But I'm going to ditch this burner today anyway.