
Me too. I usually gravitate towards characters played by Ali Hillis and Laura Bailey and am disappointed that none of their characters can be romanced. Even though I'm not particularly attracted to the dwarves I would have gone with Harding or Dagna.

That's probably true, but I'm willing to bet if most people had the chance to either sit and protect something for 20+ years to have a 50/50 chance of going up in price substantially or to just take the $2,500 now they would take the money. I am one of those people.

I wouldn't look to CDProjekt for heights of sexual excellence. No one remembers endless boning in the very first Witcher? And a porn card collectible for every woman you bed? Geralt was collecting them all.

Amusingly enough, if you are a human inquisitor, you are distantly related to Dorian. Something you can actually bring up while flirting with him.

I'm still crossed with CCP over the whole Dust514/Legion debacle.

I'm still on the fence about referring to Dragon Ages multiplayer as Pay2Win(same goes for ME3). Yes there are a lot of microtransactions and I'd prefer it didn't have any, but at the same time its 100% random what you get out of it. It also only buys you the same items that everyone else can get rather easily from


What I'm most surprised by is how Vladimir Putin finds the time to referee. That guy is everywhere.

Frankly, the Golden is way smarter than the rest of them. There are a number of huge sausages just lying there, and no little treat or bit of play with one's owner is ever going to make up for just running past them.

Yes, and you've justified Ubisoft's actions, which in turn hurt customers who actually paid for the game.

Congratulations, you just justified Ubisoft's shitty DRM!

I'd say there are parallels between a scientist and a healer, but that's just me.

He's very hard tho. It's very easy to get Shrekt in that fight.

Well the game certainly sounds like a must buy.

Was there ever a time where you thought a scenario was unfair or contrived? Anything that took you out of the moment, or made you scratch your head and wonder what they were thinking?

This is the first game I've ever worked on as a fledgling designer, and I'm glad that it's really getting through to people. I was wondering whether or not gamers were ready for this sort of thing, and it seems as though they are. Cheers! Great review!

You're weird man.

I can not take the heroine's outfit seriously. What the hell are those green things?

B-but you're in a desert... with no water... and presumably no swimming pool... why are you wearing a swimsuit!?

If we can get more Gone Homes and This War Of Mines in the world, I will be happy.

But seriously, the comments section is going to be a doozy on this one. My question is how long until the Swedish government gets angry/threatening emails?